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HPP road maintainence - Printable Version

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RE: HPP road maintainence - reni - 02-28-2017

Macuu saw easement work accomplished on his street and posted,

"Miracles do happen!"

and there's another on this page by Obie !!!
He posted,
"This thing drug on for 4 1/2 years and the end result was a re-write of the bylaws to require all money collected to be used for roads."
yes Obie, not mailboxes..not property development..REQUIRES ALL money collected to be used for ROADS". mahalo for your post

RE: HPP road maintainence - mermaid53 - 02-28-2017

Miracles do happen!

Maybe they couldn't CS today bc the road's too wet?

This is for the member who asked the question about the CS contractor's license at the membership mtg... A simple question and the board wouldn't answer yes or no. No answer means no, so the board confirmed it. Then it was confirmed again when the newbie male rep at the membership mtg said a contractor's license isn't required in HPP bc we're a private subdivision.

The contractor renting the CS equipment to HPP and an operator has no license. That was an issue brought to the board's attention in 2015 by members who had heard what Orchidland was going through w/their CS issues. Our board disregarded this important step (liability to the association).

The initial thought was to hire this contractor and once they found out he had no license, they decided to do it "in house" and rent his equipment and inclusive was the use of the operator who would work w/our crew. That's why 32nd and 33rd DE Makuu were "training roads". The quote was $50,000 a road at the time but that figure is well below what it's actually costing the association. I reiterate, there never ever was any test roads like the board says...alternate facts. 23rd and Shower was the 3rd road and it's failing in less than a year's time = waste of association $$$ at the price tag of $80,000+ = increase of our road fees.

RE: HPP road maintainence - JG-HPP - 03-01-2017

I drove on 26th between Paradise & Kaloli the other day. It was chip sealed last month. It's a terrible job. The road surface is uneven and one can clearly see where pot holes will form soon.

I don't think the deterioration on 23rd is due to traffic. Any road's purpose is to have traffic. The problem is with the stuff itself. I don't know if there are different kinds of chip seal but we clearly have purchased the wrong kind.

A well maintained dirt road would have been better.

RE: HPP road maintainence - kalakoa - 03-01-2017

Two amusing items:

1. Chip seal is apparently a kind of maintenance for existing paved roads.


Chipseal (also chip seal) is a pavement surface treatment that combines one or more layer(s) of asphalt with one or more layer(s) of fine aggregate.

2. "Board has its own agenda" is apparently a common problem, even in wealthier communities:


It would appear that our board has decided that they would prefer to make up your minds for you.

RE: HPP road maintainence - Chunkster - 03-01-2017

I checked out the chip seal 23rd yesterday, and while I'm no pavement expert, it appeared to be a poor paving job. There were five potholes, two of which are big enough to damage cars. What might be worse than the potholes is what appears to be an extended strip of weak or thin pavement about two feet in from the makai edge of the road. I initially thought it to be wear where the passenger side tires of Shower bound traffic would go, but the lack of a corresponding strip for the other tire makes me believe the paving material was not applied evenly in the first place. Even if it is wear, it shouldn't be that bad this soon. Oddly, the larger potholes were on the mauka side of the road where I didn't see a weak strip. Bottom line for me is that it looks shoddy and is showing too much deterioration for a project that recent.

RE: HPP road maintainence - EightFingers - 03-01-2017

Hey, all you checking out the chip seal roads are wearing them out!

RE: HPP road maintainence - mermaid53 - 03-01-2017

Originally posted by kalakoa

Two amusing items:

1. Chip seal is apparently a kind of maintenance for existing paved roads.


Chipseal (also chip seal) is a pavement surface treatment that combines one or more layer(s) of asphalt with one or more layer(s) of fine aggregate.

2. "Board has its own agenda" is apparently a common problem, even in wealthier communities:


It would appear that our board has decided that they would prefer to make up your minds for you.
Mahalo kalakoa. You are absolutely correct. Please people, read the link that kalakoa has provided on CS. I posted many moons ago on HPP threads that the end result is only as good as the foundation. Others have chimed in...it's only logical, right? But for some reason, not to our board.

I along w/other members tried our best in early 2015 to convey to the board that this material is not suitable for HPP roads. I don't wish to sound like a broken record, but the board at the time w/remnants on this board, and now newbies w/NO history, are continuing the CS agenda no matter what the members have to say, no matter that the CS roads are falling apart, and no matter that OUR $$$ is being flushed down the toilet.

A previous board already looked into CS and the engineer involved stated it was unsuitable for HPP. These reps already know this but have dismissed it. They have no engineer involved in the CS work, they are lacking proper permits, and the contractor has no license. Is it ok with you that our board is conducting business in this reckless and unprofessional manner?

One layer of CS is going right on top of roads w/no substantial road material and is being laid thin. I heard the GM state at a FC mtg in 2015 that the plan was to lay the emulsion right on top of the roads. There was no need to drop any material down prior to CS'g. I along w/a few others raised our hands and said we have no road material on our roads. We got the deer in headlights look and that was that. The GM and board have been deflecting the CS issues since they CS'd the dead end training roads 32nd/33rd. It's always drivers' faults... malicious and careless drivers. Next they talk about installing cameras to catch these people and charge them. It's all so ridiculous. I've heard this at many mtgs and it will continue as long as people believe them.

Not enough members are coming forward to object and that's why they're continuing to flush our $$$$ down the toilet. And as long as they continue to CS, so will the deterioration of our roads and easements, plain and simple. They want to CS every dirt road in HPP.

Think about it. I think they've completed 4-5 roads now. Look at the state of our other roads, no road material, prevalent potholes throughout HPP, no striping and reflectors, overgrown easements. They have a long way to go to CS the remainder of our dirt roads. Before they're even done, the other CS roads will be failing along w/the dirt roads. ..Is that ok w/you? NO light at the end of the tunnel, some of us will continue feeding the black CS hole, look the other way as our roads continue to deteriorate until this reckless runaway train of a board is stopped. Some don't care as long as once in a blue moon, the crew shows up to cut the overgrown easements and grade the powdered roads.

A good professionally laid dirt road w/a professional bondable mix of rock and fines is money better spent until we get asphalt. And guess what! That's their job! How much $$$ will it cost to remove the failing CS? Who's going to pay for it??? I think it's a very hefty price for US to pay so the board can fulfill their agenda. IT'S OUR CHOICE, NOT THEIRS. THEY REPRESENT US AND IT'S OUR MONEY.

RE: HPP road maintainence - macuu222 - 03-01-2017

We've (wife and I) driven on both 26th and 23rd where they oil and chipped the road. We both felt they were well done for chip seal and wouldn't mind at all having our dead end road on 5th done that way.

RE: HPP road maintainence - mermaid53 - 03-01-2017

Here's a thought...maybe it should be handled like our speed bumps. If you get x % of those on your road that want it, they chip it. If you don't want CS, want a good dirt road instead and want to wait for asphalt, then they don't chip it. The board shouldn't force it on those that don't want it. The membership didn't vote for it...

RE: HPP road maintainence - mermaid53 - 03-01-2017

Of course that would mean those that want CS would pay a little extra for CS. The tricky part would be to get the majority on your road to agree.