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Alternate makai access road? - Printable Version

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RE: Alternate makai access road? - csgray - 05-16-2014

Please be a little more honest with cutting and pasting my post. After my "but" was not an absolute demand that this not happen, but instead a plea for understanding why some of us are really concerned and cautious about what we will end up with since HDOT and the Hawaii county planning people have the track record they have. I also asked that people not call the affected people names like NIMBY as an insulting label. This sort of project can really destroy neighborhoods that get it literally bulldozed through their homes, would it really hurt people to show a little understanding for that fact?

I do find it interesting that you are all sympathy for HOTPE's situation but selectively cut and paste my post to change my meaning, when he and I are in exactly the same place. This is going to fundamentally change whole neighborhoods in real ways, recognizing that fact is the first step to minimizing the damage, instead the people most impacted are being accused of being obstructionist for just pointing out the damage that will be done. Are we supposed to just roll over and pretend we are unaffected?


RE: Alternate makai access road? - dakine - 05-16-2014

hey carol! I am way sorry if you think I copy/pasted your words so as to change their meaning. I would not do that to you or anyone else.. especially you who I have a lot if respect for! I do that.. often.. in my responses so as to cut down on how much something is repeated throughout a thread.

and as I said.. I'd be the last to live near a congested anything.. and feel for the folks that would have it forced on them. but.. I'm in my sixties.. have lived here most of my life.. and have always.. from day one.. heard this same story and like it or not the same not me no way response that has given the county and state all they need to do nothing.

so I'll ask again.. how much gridlock can we put up with? how about what is the effect of gridlock on healthcare? on emergency services? like how many have already died because they didn't get to the hospital fast enough? not to mention the quality if life of everyone who lives with it daily? how many arguments? accidents? before the issue is just so damn big that all the not in my backyard noise is silenced? because I know you know a road., and eventually others.. has just got to happen.

RE: Alternate makai access road? - Chunkster - 05-16-2014

@dakine: It does not have to be built through HPP, the biggest population center in Puna where there is already organized and articulate oppostion. A route mauka of the present highway would pass through far less densely populated areas. That is, of course, assuming the thing needs to be built at all. A lot of us can think of better ways to invest in infrastructure in Puna than a single road. The State DOT doesn't seem to think it worthy of including in their plans or funding and is pushing ahead with four laning 130 all the way to Pahoa, which would help with the congestion for quite some time.

For all the folks hollering "NIMBY!", remember, it's easy to do that when it's not your back yard.

RE: Alternate makai access road? - Seeb - 05-16-2014

Originally posted by Rob Tucker

Seeb, How would a small number of half acre lots be "unlivable"? Most of the mainland and the city of Hilo live on much, much smaller lots than half an acre.

240 lots is not a few.
Many of the houses were not designed to be city houses,they are open designs, in town there are more closed up with AC.
The houses are not located just on the front 1/2 acre
The houses on small lots in town are mostly on side streets, this is designed to be a Major Connector Road
There are many more reasons but I will leave you with this.you won't even have accesse to the interstate in your back yard - you will have to pay the Hui to drive down a pot holed dirt road several miles to get to on ramp or cross to the next road up

RE: Alternate makai access road? - dakine - 05-16-2014

hey chunkster.. it's odd to me to suggest a route through a less populated area when by such a suggestion we are pointing out that it's the makai side of 130 that needs the most relief?

RE: Alternate makai access road? - rainyjim - 05-16-2014

Originally posted by ericlp

I say for 200Million one could put in high speed rail from kalapana out to hilo stop at target / mall / UH / hilo shopping center and down to old town. Would be nice view of the ocean along the way.

Not a bad idea, I would like one around the belt road also as well as down the puna 'cul-de-sac'.

RE: Alternate makai access road? - Tink - 05-17-2014

My thinking in my previous post proposed routes in that they are not "super connector" roads that would divide neighborhoods and wipe out current housing, but be a continuation of residential type streets to give more options than the one way in, one way out mentality that was designed in 1950, when most families had one car. To put a big***. bypass through everything will kill Pahoa and the serenity of Puna, and you will still have to drive to Hilo using the new "superhighway" to now get everything, instead of "most" things. A rail system like most cities are putting in place unfortunately gives the vermin a cheap way to get around to "scope things out" and expand their "turf" from what I've seen from BART in the SF Bay Area.

Are you a human being, or a human doing?

RE: Alternate makai access road? - kalakoa - 05-17-2014

A comparison to BART is fitting -- that system failed its original design goal when two of the counties "opted out", and it still doesn't connect directly to the airports.

Huge piles of money are currently being spent to extend BART south into San Jose -- which is an even more fitting comparison simply because it's got the same root problem as Puna: planners didn't leave room for future transit.

When property is subdivided right up to the roads without buffers or easements, it's really hard to widen those roads later.

Again: maybe if we didn't have to Drive To Hilo for everything?

RE: Alternate makai access road? - Tink - 05-17-2014

Currently, BART is under construction to Milpitas, the Santa Clara County line. Has expanded service to SFO only, and out to Livermore area. CalTrans is using "Obamadollars" (put America to work funding) to widen the Altamont Pass to serve Central Valley commuters hopefully to BART. Now, along those corridors, crime is increasing due to the ease of transportation. Appears the more affluent counties of Santa Clara, Marin, Sonoma, are the hold outs, wonder why?

Are you a human being, or a human doing?

RE: Alternate makai access road? - Aaron S - 05-17-2014

The Daniel K. Inouye Highway improvement project isn't a relevant comparison to the proposed PMAR project. Part of the new highway was reconstructed over the existing alignment and the rest was realigned in a very remote area.

The CFLHD, HDOT jointly funded this project (221.6 million to reconstruct/realign 40.27 miles of highway; 260 million dollars if you include environmental mitigation and engineering, etc)

The lack of available Federal and State funding for the PMAR is because those resources will be funneled to the widening of Highway 130 and the fact PMAR is county, not a HDOT, project.