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Why are so many vaccinated people getting COVID-19 lately? - Printable Version

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RE: Why are so many vaccinated people getting COVID-19 lately? - HereOnThePrimalEdge - 01-20-2022

"keep it local"... no Starbucks in Puna

From the Punaweb Forum intro page:

Welcome to the punaweb forum page. To use this page you must first register by 1) acknowledging that you have read the conditions. 2) entering your username, password and e-mail address Note: National and world politics are not allowed. Local, Hawaii County and State of Hawaii politics are allowed. 

Rob has in the past stated that news & events across the state of Hawaii are acceptable for discussion.

RE: Why are so many vaccinated people getting COVID-19 lately? - kalianna - 01-20-2022

Thanks for the clarification HOTPE. Maybe we should call it Local+.

RE: Why are so many vaccinated people getting COVID-19 lately? - TomK - 01-20-2022

(01-19-2022, 11:37 PM)Puna Grace Wrote: The damage is done so it really does not matter. - kander

It matters on a local level, which is why I posted about Starbucks and not General Electric or any of the many other companies who are dropping the requirements.  

Punatics who need to avoid unvaccinated persons might factor the information into their decisions on where to shop and where to get their coffee.  Safeway may not be the safest way.

Punatics who are unvaccinated and who need income, have a new opportunity.

Your argument is that anyone who decides to remain unvaccinated dictates what everyone else should do or where they can go?

Is that right? I just want to clarify this first.

RE: Why are so many vaccinated people getting COVID-19 lately? - Obie - 01-20-2022

"Punatics who are unvaccinated and who need income, have a new opportunity."

This statement has me confused .

RE: Why are so many vaccinated people getting COVID-19 lately? - TomK - 01-20-2022

(01-20-2022, 07:32 AM)Obie Wrote: "Punatics who are unvaccinated and who need income, have a new opportunity."

This statement has me confused .

I agree, it makes little sense. Perhaps Puna Grace might want to qualify his or her statement?

RE: Why are so many vaccinated people getting COVID-19 lately? - kalakoa - 01-20-2022

In theory, more businesses without a vaccine mandate means more opportunity for the unvaccinated to find employment.

However, customers might avoid those same businesses for the same reason. I don't want an unvaccinated person making my coffee.

Lack of common standards/enforcement means the COVID will be with us for years to come. Hooray for "freedom".

RE: Why are so many vaccinated people getting COVID-19 lately? - Puna Grace - 01-20-2022

Thank you kalakoa for helping folks understand my post.   I was perplexed by the confusion so I asked two grade schoolers to read that post.  They also had no trouble making sense of the simple sentences.   I will let it stand as written and ignore the silly interpretations.

RE: Why are so many vaccinated people getting COVID-19 lately? - randomq - 01-20-2022

I too had no problem understanding your post. Perhaps the others have caught Covid, which has been shown to reduce IQ in some cases.

RE: Why are so many vaccinated people getting COVID-19 lately? - eightfingers2.0 - 01-20-2022

(01-20-2022, 06:11 PM)kalakoa Wrote: However, customers might avoid those same businesses for the same reason. I don't want an unvaccinated person making my coffee.

Vaccinated people can still spread covid and that’s for all variants.

RE: Why are so many vaccinated people getting COVID-19 lately? - Durian Fiend - 01-20-2022

Although working at Starbucks isn’t exactly a new opportunity for the unvaccinated, I followed along.
Where can’t you work in the private sector unvaccinated on the East Side? That’s what I’m curious about.

The Brits came up with a risk assessor that calculated Omicron is less dangerous for elderly, vaccinated individuals than the common flu. Is there light at the end of Covid tunnel?