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Woman's body found off Kalapana - Printable Version

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RE: Woman's body found off Kalapana - HereOnThePrimalEdge - 01-04-2014

Some of the family members of Brittany and Bo read and post to this forum. While I am certain they hope to find out what really happened on the lava flow no matter how difficult it might be to hear, it probably doesn't help any of them to read graphic theories, speculations, and assumptions about the case. I know it wouldn't help me if it was my daughter, son, sister, brother.

Unless it leads to solving the case, a gruesome description of something that may not have happened only adds an imaginary nightmare to the already real nightmare that the families are living through.

RE: Woman's body found off Kalapana - bananahead - 01-04-2014

if Bo????,

I can get a good idea why or how he may have flipped out. Living in a tent for 3-4+ months in the middle of a dry isolated hot lava field is very very uncomfortable, extremely boring and stagnant, and when you consider the long walk it is from water/food/etc. even more of a drag... the only food out there are wild cherry tomatoes and lilikoi!! Many a WWOOFer has given up on their Hawaii Dream just for these facts alone... they try to camp out, find out it takes most of the day to hitch a ride to Pahoa for food and back and every day is basically the same to them... with no change in sight...
the property they were going to buy is barren as the moon, and would NOT have immediately changed their uncomfortable 24/7/365 camping lives, if ever!

PS. some of you conspiracy theorists are really just old fashion bigots and raciest.... with all of your unfounded hate directed at the 'locals' here (always) .... please do us a favor after this is over... kill your Punaweb.org account and never visit Hawaii, and if you are already relocated here, please hate it (us) so hard you pack up all your materialistic crap and leave for the mainland real soon...
For good reason... Hawaii is the #1 Healthiest and #1 Happiest of ALL 50 States! aloha

save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha

RE: Woman's body found off Kalapana - Ruth Johnson - 01-04-2014

Bananahead, a well chosen screen name for you. The things you state are not accurate. Bo was out there a few weeks, not months. We were in a house the rest of the time. They both had only just returned to Hawaii from visits to family. Yes, he knew about the long hikes for water and food, as we did them even as we lived in the house nearby. He still chose to purchase the land, fully aware. You obviously cannot stretch your bananahead brain enough to fathom the pioneer spirit, of the pains and joys of starting from scratch with nothing but your bare hands, creating a life from nothing with someone you love. You didn't know Bo, he wasn't a desperate kid going in to this situation with no brains. He was a calculating, independent individual who decided to use the money he'd made from fishing in what almost everyone would consider uncomfortable and trying circumstances, as well as his youth, strength, brains, and strong will to make something he could call his own. Do you know the pleasure of fulfilling a life-long dream completely on your own? He chose the harder, yet infinitely more rewarding path, and Brittany chose it as well.

This is obviously asking too much of you, but consider the fact that conspiracies can and do exist.

In addition, I'd like to point out that anyone being strung up on a tree does not indicate they committed suicide. Considering the crime and corruption evident in your happy and healthy state, it seems not only reasonable but plausible to suspect that anyone hanging from a tree in that particular area may have been strung up there by someone with a sick mind. There are all kinds of minds out there, after all, as even your narrow one has shown to those intelligent enough to see through your desperate defense of no one in particular, and blatant finger pointing at someone you didn't even know. Unless of course you knew either the victim/s or the criminal/s.

RE: Woman's body found off Kalapana - nana valley - 01-04-2014

Originally posted by HereOnThePrimalEdge

Some of the family members of Brittany and Bo read and post to this forum. While I am certain they hope to find out what really happened on the lava flow no matter how difficult it might be to hear, it probably doesn't help any of them to read graphic theories, speculations, and assumptions about the case. I know it wouldn't help me if it was my daughter, son, sister, brother.

Unless it leads to solving the case, a gruesome description of something that may not have happened only adds an imaginary nightmare to the already real nightmare that the families are living through.

I agree, it sickened me to read one particular post above by Rene. Why must such heartless, thoughtless remarks be said. To the Johnsons and the Royals, stay strong and know many here truly care for you and your families. I pray justice comes soon.

He who hoots with owls at night cannot soar with the eagles in the morning.

RE: Woman's body found off Kalapana - kimo wires - 01-04-2014

There is no escaping evil doers no matter where you live. There are way more good and caring people here on The Big Island than there are bad ones.
None the less we are all disheartened by anything bad that happens here. It's the impact of living in a small community. We are not desensitized by the shear mass of killings as people are in big cities where murder is a daily occurrence.
These things affect us deeply. And especially unresolved ones.
We all want this to be figured out. Kalapana is a very tainted place now and will be until this is done.

RE: Woman's body found off Kalapana - Punatickz - 01-04-2014

Wow Bananahead is obviously someone thats absolutely obsessedwith making the boyfriend look like the murderer! And you are from here?! How can you believe that stuff you say? And you say these offensive things to that boys family, with some wild speculation that the boy went delusional from only eating tomatoes and Lilikoi? You have lost your mind man! Who say the boy and girl were delusion and depressed and starving? Both families say they were happy and optimistic about their future! You should know from this area that lots of locals and haoles squat for months and even years when they build their house. Half of puna started like this, and ocean view too. Nobody ever killing their family or starving or any of this..it's jus big island style of livin on the land and starting a new home. Nothing new for Big Island!

I wish the families talked to more people over here, because nearly everyone in the area will tell you that the boy was probably killed. It's so crazy that I would question the intentions or integrity of people that insist on the boy being the killer.

And Rene, how do you say the discovery of a body near the murder scene a small piece of evidence? It's a DEAD BODY, very close to where another DEAD BODY was found during a time when the killer is not behind bars! It's the biggest piece of evidence in the whole case so far, possibly. And where is the thousands of pieces of evidence that the police are working so hard on? Maybe the thousands of pieces of evidence they have ignored in this whole case is what people should talk about...just like most other cases that never get solved down here.

So good jobs Rene and Banana, your top two conclusions was that the girl was a cheating slut, or that they went delusional eating Lilikoi. Sure the families love hearing that and take those suggestions verrrry seriously...

RE: Woman's body found off Kalapana - Lupie - 01-04-2014

I realize emotions are running high. People are saddened, sickened, and scared. EVERYTHING is speculation until we find out what happened. So I agree that people need to watch what they post, because you need to keep the families feelings in mind. I can't imagine the pain they have to go through on a daily basis.
Also this argument between "haoles" and "locals" is ridiculous. Bad people come in all shapes, forms, and colors. To say one or the other is not capable of such a crime is an ignorant statement.

RE: Woman's body found off Kalapana - Punatickz - 01-04-2014

Agreed whole heartedly with what Lupie said, but have to add some input to the local vs haole thing.

Like most peeps living down here, the biggest rumors are that money was why he was killed, not his skin color. Haole couple didn't play the right cards with some of the kalapana locals, and they paid the price. I repeat, that's speculation, but it's the most popular rumor being whispered around Puna. And although money/territory was the big factor, it probably didn't help that they were haoles either.

I wish racism didn't exist here, but it does. It's only a few bad apples, as most locals are the friendliest and most welcoming people in the entire world. Too bad a lot if those bad apples are in puna and ruin the areas reputation. First thing you learn as a young haole when you move to Big Island is which beaches/parks are safe for haoles, which ones aren't. And when kind locals tell u that, u better listen to them cuz u can get beat up or killed real quick!

RE: Woman's body found off Kalapana - Britts MOM - 01-04-2014

I would absolutely love to chime in here as Brittany's mom. I consider myself a pretty strong person. Over the years I have learned that what other people think of me is none of my business. It is insensitive for people that didn't know Britt to imply that she was pregnant with someone else child and that is why he killed her. No response will be given to that!
What I can tell you is about my daughter: Brittany was feisty, head strong and had her own way of doing things. She thought out of the box, thought for herself and believed in the good in others. She sought out other cultures to explore and learn about them, their backgrounds and religions. She traveled as a soothing to her soul. She meditated and did yoga as a way to clear her mind and soul. She loved life and loved people. Her wanting to settle down in Kalapana was her dream come true. She had traveled over the years, living in various places and when she landed in Kalapana she told me she found her home and was staying. She loved the people, the weather, the spiritual vibe on the lava and the beauty of the ocean. She had dreams of one day building a yoga studio and teaching others what was so important to her. She fell in love and was going to start a family. She was HAPPY!
As for racism I hate that word! If someone other than Bo killed her it was NOT because he was white or haole. I have also heard much about money and not playing the right cards with others. I understand tensions are running high and you that live in Puna want answers in your community, but lets keep the goal in mind her. To solve Brittany's murder and the murderer be brought to justice.

RE: Woman's body found off Kalapana - unknownjulie - 01-04-2014

I don't think I've commented until now, but living out on a lava flow while pregnant sounds EXTREMELY stressful. This whole thing is awful and I really cannot imagine trying to camp out there. I just hope the police can really piece it all together now, and will provide the details to all of us, so the speculation can be put to rest.