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HPP road maintainence - Printable Version

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RE: HPP road maintainence - mermaid53 - 03-16-2017

We took another drive on our way home from town. I wanted to check out makuu222's road as he had said his easements were cut back 3'. makuu222, your easements were indeed cut back 3' on each side. [Smile] Lucky! They don't even do that in some areas of our main drags and main thoroughfares like L Rd and Beach Rd who have a lot of foot and bike traffic during certain times of the day.

makuu222's road is a red cinder road as are several on the lower makuu dead ends. Again, NO DUST! But the grey powder roads even at 5 mph has lots of dust.

We don't need CS, we need our red cinder roads back. It won't fall apart like CS, it would be on the normal road material maint schedule, and it costs a heck of lot less. RED CINDER. That's what I had when I bought into HPP.

We started to get a lot of dust complaints when that gray material started getting put down in HPP. More complaints after it turned into powder 3 yrs ago.

RE: HPP road maintainence - mermaid53 - 03-16-2017

According to some people on HPP Facebook Next Door (thanks Obie for providing us the link here on PT), PT posters don't have valid info bc of their anonymity. FB like PT has a variety of diff people who post ...ie. hawaiideborah (PT name) who used to post on PT regularly and was very active w/the HPP "tirade" (some of you may remember her) here on PT is now on FB... and current and just resigned board members are posting on FB, and one current rep posts anonymously on PT. Just bc they use their real names and show pics of themselves on FB doesn't mean their info is accurate or aren't alternate facts. I believe more people on PT thrive for accuracy in their posts. I heard the current treasurer, plans to run for a 3 yr district seat in this election. (Dist 8) That's concerning when you read his post below..The GM doesn't come up w/a budget, the FC does PER OUR BYLAWS Mr Anderson. He needs to read our bylaws! Article X Sec 1 (b) 2. c (and pls read d while you're at it).

Here's a small portion of FB posts...
Kathryn: HPPOA had an accountant with many years experience. He was mysteriously replaced at the December board meeting in executive session by Chris Anderson who has apparently no financial experience from what we have witnessed at meetings. Our finances are serious and complicated. Mr. Anderson might want to quit admiring himself on the video and ask for assistance from the previous treasurer and the experienced FC (as he has not had a meeting with them yet nor is there any indication that a meeting is to be scheduled). One can not use hyperbole and bluff his way along when it comes to fulfilling the treasurer’s duties.
Like · 2 · March 6 at 7:34pm

Chris S Anderson: FC has met more than three times this yr. and no one is going to mico manage the GM. We will meet when don gets the budget done. As of right now there is no book keeper and no reason to meet. And the only reason for that meeting is cause Don said I should. Hope that clears the muddy waters for you. Now go back to talking s--t , you seem to be good at it.
Like · 2 · March 14 at 3:46pm

Kathryn: Bonnie, I suggested Puna Talk because you can glean a lot of good information and learn which commentors are legit and which ones are not. Lots of topics go back many months.99% of the commentors use a pseudonym. That's the way it is
Like · 2 · March 6 at 8:10pm

Bonnie: I am not willing to take any information that comes from somebody who won't use their name that's why I don't take things on puna web valid for information.
Like · 3 · March 6 at 9:24pm

Kathryn: It is the content that counts. There has been a lot of inaccurate information posted here. One can only learn the truth not by taking what anyone says as gospel but by confirming the facts yourself.
Like · March 7 at 9:09am

Jerry: If they are not willing to put their name out there and stand by what they've said how can anyone think it's valid information. Anyone who hides behind these names doesn't have the intestinal fortitude to tell the truth.
Like · 3 · March 14 at 8:49am

Bonnie: If you encourage those on Puna web to be honest about who they are maybe we would be more willing to listen to the information. The constant attack on the board with the same claims about not following the bylaws sounds like just a tirade to me and ...See More
Like · 1 · March 14 at 9:35am

Deborah H: It is a tirade. The same ones for years. Whatever is before the board or members, this group is against. Stopping everything. They are obstructionists. They are not helping. They are blocking and causing drama. That seems to be the goal. And it has been this way, with the same people for as long as I have been here
Like · 4 · March 14 at 11:27am

Deborah H: Mermaid is xxxxxx xxxxxxx
Like · 2 · March 14 at 11:27am

Deborah H: My punaweb name is: hawaiideborah
Like · 2 · March 14 at 11:36am

Jeffrey Finley: Dirty road work? Love how they say the Association exists only for roadwork...then complain about the paving! We have to pave or State Dust Abatement fines will eat up what little we have left to pave with.
Like · 2 · March 14 at 12:20pm

Jerry: And when I spoke the truth I was attacked. Yes I lost my temper at the General Meeting. I feel very justified in doing so now though.
Like · 1 · March 14 at 1:56pm

Barry: So true Deborah Deborah my user name is River.
Like · 2 · March 14 at 2:54pm

Tony F: To the Mermaid at Puna web we say... you live under water as u are a mermaid... so u have no idea whats going on land Big Grinike · 3 · March 14 at 11:32am
(Like: Randi Larzalere, Chris Anderson and Deborah H.)
It appears the board is getting dust complaints bc of the dry powdered roads...lacking ROAD MATERIAL = board neglect, what did they expect? Mr Finley, chip seal is not paving.

RE: HPP road maintainence - mermaid53 - 03-16-2017

Please refer to HPP Mailbox thread for update on CS, and other HPP biz....

RE: HPP road maintainence - caveat emptor - 03-17-2017

Just found out that apparently there has been another lawsuit filed against HPPOA concerning some lot owners who have consolidated their adjoining lots into one with the county and are still being charged road maintenance fees for all their lots as if the were still separate. I know this is a somewhat complicated issue and there are reasons why the Association charges the fees that way, but I won't get into those things other than to rely the news about another lawsuit.
Is the new insurance company going to dump us as the other one did last year?

One more thing, I heard that at the last board meeting Wed. evening that the GM said that the Health Dept. is threatening the Association with $7K to $25K /day violations because of dust complaints. But from what I have heard it isn't a threat the Dept. actually fined us $7400 and are threatening more fines.

And yet, the VP, Ruth Mizuba Dist 2, stated at the same meeting that "our roads are better now than they have ever been".

RE: HPP road maintainence - kalakoa - 03-17-2017

lot owners who have consolidated their adjoining lots into one with the county and are still being charged road maintenance fees for all their lots as if the were still separate

This may be "by design" if the CC&Rs stipulate assessment based on the "original lot size". Nanavale does exactly this.

Health Dept. is threatening the Association with $7K to $25K /day violations because of dust complaints

I hope the complainants are pleased with themselves.

RE: HPP road maintainence - Hmmm - 03-17-2017

The dust is an issue they shoyldnt put down base course unless they are paving the road in the near future it will create more dust than cinder or just leaving the roads without any material.

RE: HPP road maintainence - mermaid53 - 03-17-2017

Obie posted this link to refute my financial questions...it looks like Obie's actually raised more questions....


Obie pls see figures on P 4 of the Jun 2016 audit rpt...

Expenses, Direct Road Maint

Roads 6/30/2016 $123,884. 6/30/2015 $266,463. (142,579.)

Shoulder Maint 6/30/2016 $8,359. 6/30/2015 $38,790. (30,431.)

Question: Why did the board and GM spend less on road and shoulder maintenance? It's a big decrease in spending on the maintenance of our roads and shoulders....where's the $$$$?

RE: HPP road maintainence - macuu222 - 03-21-2017

My road was graded today!! Water truck followed by grader and roller. Street is looking good!

RE: HPP road maintainence - Obie - 03-21-2017

Originally posted by macuu222

My road was graded today!! Water truck followed by grader and roller. Street is looking good!

So your original questions have been answered and Rob could shut this down ???

"Anyone know why I haven't seen a road grader or grass trimmer on our side street for the past year? Our street is riddled with pot holes and the grass along the roadway is so thick it's covering part of the roadway. I noticed many other side streets are just as bad."

RE: HPP road maintainence - macuu222 - 03-21-2017
