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Cannabis Compassion club/coop for Puna - Printable Version

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RE: Cannabis Compassion club/coop for Puna - EightFingers - 01-29-2009

Rob, I think we are in agreement on the medical issues here......

I'm more interested in the "recreational" aspects of it.

RE: Cannabis Compassion club/coop for Puna - kimo wires - 01-29-2009


Did you know that a certain chemical in cannabinol kills cancer cells in the lungs? And It's not DOPE. You're a Dope if you call it that.

One Thing I can always be sure of is that things will never go as expected.

RE: Cannabis Compassion club/coop for Puna - Rob Tucker - 01-29-2009

I don't think it is appropriate to confuse the medical aspects with the recreational aspects. Very different topics. There are a large number of drugs that are abused. Uppers, downers, diet pills etc. The medical systems have methods to control the release of drugs. Those methods can, of course, be abused but that is an issue for the controlled substance laws. They are enforced or not. Doctors who abuse the prescription rules often lose their licenses. I can find no logical reason to deny people in medical need access to useful treatments. It is not up to you or I to determine who these people are.

In a similar vein I suspect that lots of people abuse the handicap parking placards. Somehow some very able bodied people seem to acquire or use someone else's handicap stickers to the disadvantage of those in need. I find little to concern me about a percentage of people who may acquire medical cannibis and use it for recreational purposes. There's always someone growing their own.

I can well recall Operation Intercept under President Nixon when Mexican pot was effectively stoped at the border. It was quite successful at the time and resulted in many misguided youth (not me) turning to harder and more additive substances. A number of my old classmates died. It wasn't necessary.

So politically I would immediately favor having the State of Hawaii develop and support a program of medical cannibis distribution. If someday a ballot initiative asked for my vote for decriminalizing pot I would vote for it. I don't use the stuff myself but believe the whole subject has been driven by the wrong motivations and has produced wasteful and costly results.

Adults should have the simple right to make some decisions for themselves as long as they do not negatively impact others.

RE: Cannabis Compassion club/coop for Puna - Jon - 01-29-2009

From Troll to Dope...

Such nice people...

All this emotion, so little reason...

I do not believe that America is better than everybody else...
America "IS" everybody else.

RE: Cannabis Compassion club/coop for Puna - kimo wires - 01-29-2009

Not really a personal attack... you just set yourself up so well...Sense of humor...lacking. Don't take yourself so seriously. You used the word first...na na na na na.

One Thing I can always be sure of is that things will never go as expected.

RE: Cannabis Compassion club/coop for Puna - Jon - 01-29-2009

There is that assuming thing again...
That I take myself seriously...

But I was under the impression that name calling was taboo here. But I have been the exception for many a rule...

Just call me Troll the Dope... at least I came about it naturally, no drugs needed.

I do not believe that America is better than everybody else...
America "IS" everybody else.

RE: Cannabis Compassion club/coop for Puna - bystander - 01-29-2009

Well you called cannibis a name, dope. I don't care if that's what you called it when you were a kid. The word has very negative connotations and implies that cannibis is the same as meth, heroine, and other hard drugs. That's the kind of prejudice that keeps it from becoming legal. I'm ashamed to admit this but when I was a kid, we called black people by the "N" word. I don't do that today because I know better now and don't have any prejudice agains black people. Your continued use of the word shows you are prejudiced against cannibis and it's users. Calling people hateful names like "dope smoking potheads" is the same as calling gay people "fags" and "queers".

RE: Cannabis Compassion club/coop for Puna - Jon - 01-29-2009

No, it shows that you are ashamed that you used those terms...

I have friends that were and are "dope smoking potheads" and I have no problem calling them such, and they don't have a problem with it ether.

If you want to get the laws changed, you need to try to open up to other cultures, aunt mary, dope ganja, grass, hash, herb, mary jane, pot, reefer, sinsemilla, weed or just "dope" and many more are some of the names you are going to have to get over if you want to change the laws.

Re-branding the product might work for marketing, but not for the legal system.

you trying to compare a name of a thing to a slur on a group is not a good example.

Or? are you talking about something else? cannibis? or cannabis?
Again I am just Troll the Dope, I don't know all the ins and outs of the drug culture.

I do not believe that America is better than everybody else...
America "IS" everybody else.

RE: Cannabis Compassion club/coop for Puna - bystander - 01-29-2009

Just remember homosexuality was once against the law. Police routinely used to roust and harass gay people just for being gay. I'm sure they called them every hateful name in the book while doing it. Harvey Milk fought for gay rights and he won. The same thing will happen with cannibis or cannabis or which ever way it's spelled.

RE: Cannabis Compassion club/coop for Puna - Jon - 01-29-2009

Nothing to do with the subject at hand...

but if you want to go there, homosexuality is still illegal in most of the world and in some parts get you death.

Human rights are one thing, illegal substances are totally different.

I do not believe that America is better than everybody else...
America "IS" everybody else.