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Attention!!! - Printable Version

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RE: Attention!!! - Likalizard - 12-01-2011

"Due to recent budget cuts,the light at the end of the tunnel may be a train".


"To err is human, to forgive divine"

RE: Attention!!! - EightFingers - 12-01-2011

Socialism's great as long as someone ELSE is paying for it.......

RE: Attention!!! - LeeE - 12-01-2011

Eightfingers, Then, it ain't really socialism.

Everybody knows bulk purchasing is cheaper. Control conshmole, bulk purchasing defines socialism.

And that's why I shop at Costco. Socialism!

On the other hand, forget Socialism. Eventualism!!!

Lee Eisenstein

RE: Attention!!! - liskir - 12-01-2011

What's different after Bush? More of the same. Republican or Democrat, we got the same. Get over the corrupt party system. It's a sham. The only reason I'm registering Republican is so I can vote for Ron Paul, the best individual to restore our liberties and constitutional rights during the caucus in Hawaii March 2012.

I questioned some of his policies too, such as why he's not pro choice if he believes in freedom of the people to make their own choices. I can understand that after delivering 4000 babies, there's an emotional factor. I was told that those are issues he wants the State to have control over, not the Feds. Regardless, the majority of issues such as peace, freedom, and liberties, he's right on. He's right on about completely withdrawing from the wars that's bankrupting us and secure our own borders instead of the rest of the world. While we're busy spending money we don't have in other countries, who's securing our borders? Why don't we spend our citizen's money on our own citizens? He's been asking these questions for over 3 decades and his messages are still the same, never flip-flopping to win votes. He won't lie just to win.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evYwPJUY_cc&feature=related Ron Paul's Words of Warning From 1983 to 2008

RE: Attention!!! - DanielP - 12-01-2011

I don't think that there is much difference between Republicans and Democrats. If I had my choice, I would like to see Ron Paul in, simply because his libertarian views are more in line with mine.However I don't think that he is electable. I am dissappointed that Obama still has us heavy in Afganistan, But I will vote for him over the Moral Majority Morons in a heart beat. I think that I will register Republican just to vote in that primary. Pretty funny Republican circus right now. hehe

Ineedawish: Stinky Flame Off


RE: Attention!!! - uneedawish - 12-01-2011

Originally posted by DanielP

I don't think that there is much difference between Republicans and Democrats. If I had my choice, I would like to see Ron Paul in, simply because his libertarian views are more in line with mine.However I don't think that he is electable. I am dissappointed that Obama still has us heavy in Afganistan, But I will vote for him over the Moral Majority Morons in a heart beat. I think that I will register Republican just to vote in that primary. Pretty funny Republican circus right now. hehe

Ineedawish: Stinky Flame Off


Sorry Dan, I was wrong about you. I might register republican too, just to hear what republican say amongst themselves.
Don't understand the Stinky Flame off comment though. Don't really care though.

RE: Attention!!! - Guest - 12-01-2011

Paul polls ahead of Obama all the time, Obama lost the independents and the youth. Latest news is that the Dems are no longer courting the white middle class vote.... hispanics, blacks and college professors/artists. Obama is not withdrawing from Iraq, he is hiring mercenaries to replace our troops at three times the cost. They just built our largest embassy in the world with a garrison for 3000 troops, we are not leaving. Now Obama is also assassinating US citizens, including a 16 year old boy with predator drones. http://www.salon.com/2011/10/20/the_killing_of_awlakis_16_year_old_son/singleton/
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWKG6ZmgAX4 This is not funny.
OWS people are concerned about large corporations and their money in politics.... Why would you support Obama when his largest contributors for the 2012 election are large corporations and banks? Dr. Paul gets almost no contributions from corporations and banks, his largest donors are the military.(wonder why? He gets more military donations then all the GOP and Obama combined) Where every other politician has average donation sizes in the hundreds if not the thousands, Dr. Pauls donations average under $100. Think very carefully, why does Dr. Paul get so many small donations especially from people in the military? Why don't corporations and banks donate to him? Why does the media insist on blacking him out? even though he is a frontrunner and contender in all the polls? Why don't people want you to know about Dr. Paul? Why do they call him crazy?

Here's to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes... the ones who see things differently -- they're not fond of rules... You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can't do is ignore them because they change things... they push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do.
-Steve Jobs

Again, Hawaii GOP Caucus is March 13th, please register ahead of time to ensure you are not denied a vote.

RE: Attention!!! - Norm - 12-01-2011

If was'nt for Wall Street ,I would not have been able to retire
Invest in the Company's that make this country the BEST in the World
or Leave and live where the is no Back up!

RE: Attention!!! - Obie - 12-01-2011

For those of you who don't get the Trib,here is an article and a picture of the typical occupy protester.


Looks like his brain may be occupied !!

RE: Attention!!! - Guest - 12-01-2011

Originally posted by Norm

If was'nt for Wall Street ,I would not have been able to retire
Invest in the Company's that make this country the BEST in the World
or Leave and live where the is no Back up!

Buying Apple stock was the best thing I ever did....