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Campaign ethics - Printable Version

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RE: Campaign ethics - snorkle - 07-22-2014

Quote Kathy;
"I do not respect candidates who let avid (and less than civil) supporters shout down criticisms, candidates who don't have the courage to speak here for themselves."

You're not talking about me, right?
I admit avidness, avidability, and avidalation; but I've always been civil and haven't shouted down anyone.

I still respect you Kathy, in spite of your constant confusing of disagreement with shouting and incivility.

RE: Campaign ethics - opihikao - 07-22-2014

snorkel wrote:

[/quote]Maybe it's his excessive use of the adjectives "these women".

I haven't seen him write; "Those [i]men
"; Ruderman and their ilk.

dang nabbed uppity wimin! [Big Grin]

Well, snorkel, behind every one of "those men" (and "the others") is a woman who needs our prayers and positive energy. [Big Grin] Be it a mother, wife, sister, daughter, niece, whatever, those women must have one heck of a challenge.

Ethics, morals, values, character, and integrity come in all shapes, sizes, and genders. Good luck to all candidates in their quest, and may they all maintain (or attempt to gain), these qualities in the election process. JMO.

ETA: From one of those "dang nabbed uppity wimin"! LMAO!

RE: Campaign ethics - Guest - 07-23-2014

Check out the Big Island Chronicle Tiffany answered her own questionnaire on July 20th and published her lengthy answers. I thought that way back, when she first came out running that she went on record that she would not publish her political agenda on the BIC to prevent conflict of interest. Is she back tracking on her word? Please let me know if you remember her position on writing in the BIC and if I am right.[?]

RE: Campaign ethics - csgray - 07-23-2014

She has a managing editor for the duration of the campaign and has put a firewall between herself and the running of the paper and website for the same time. She was treated like all other candidates in this case.


RE: Campaign ethics - snorkle - 07-23-2014

Jeez sativa,
Don't you realize the more you post the more you discredit yourself and your buddy RJ?

As carol pointed out, Alan McNary is editing the BIC while Tiffany is campaigning. Questionnaires were sent to ALL the candidates(without Tiff getting an advance copy)Please don't have the audacity to question Mr. McNary's integrity..... Tiffany and others have replied; but what's strange is who hasn't replied(RJ). Maybe you guys don't read the BIC (Oh wait, you obviously do).

Since you seem to be digging yourself into a hole with your hysteric and pointless accusations, maybe you should follow RJ's style of campaigning. That is to remain quite and say nothing.


RE: Campaign ethics - missydog1 - 07-23-2014

I started looking through the questionnaires on BIC and found myself unable to slog through the morass of white on blue gray with no highlighting to separate the questions from the answers. White font is OK in small bytes of content, but in this case I longed for a Punaweb look of dark font on light background, or good old fashioned print contrast.

I think that the candidates' awareness of formatting and layout could make a big difference here, and as part of a level playing field, the editor should have formatted them all the same. They can't see what their entry will look like until after they submit, one weakness with a blog.

Leilani put her answers in ALL CAPS. OMG that is unreadable, and she should have known better than to do that.

Karen Eoff's and Tiffany's were the first two posted, and they had bold headlines and question text so that the post has some visual structure. I found that much better. I'm not sure why Alan did all the rest in plain font without formatting. A fix would be most welcome.

RE: Campaign ethics - PauHana - 07-23-2014

Posted - 07/23/2014 : 08:39:46 Show Profile Email Poster Reply with Quote
She has a managing editor for the duration of the campaign and has put a firewall between herself and the running of the paper and website for the same time. She was treated like all other candidates in this case.


HA, HA, HA, too funny!

RE: Campaign ethics - csgray - 07-23-2014

Pau Hana,
No matter how you feel about Tiffany, her acting editor is a long time professional journalist with a reputation for ethical behavior. I think it is highly unlikely he would be involved in any skullduggery.


RE: Campaign ethics - PauHana - 07-23-2014

With two of her campaign ads adjacent to all reply's and dominating the right margin? Plus " About Tiffany Edwards Hunt" in the masthead directly above her opponents reply, come on.
The acting editor may be pure as the driven snow; BUT.
To me this does not inspire confidence in the impartiality of a vehicle she owns, with reputation it has from the past for grinding her axes.
I don't know the new editor so I cannot easily make that leap of faith.

Is the comments section still restricted to adoring fans and admirers ?

RE: Campaign ethics - snorkle - 07-24-2014

The BIC, with Mr. McNary editing, offers all the candidates the opportunity to present their platforms. There has been NO evidence that anything unethical has occurred. Candidates have the option of using this free resource or not.

What's the problem?