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Covid count - Printable Version

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RE: Covid count - HereOnThePrimalEdge - 07-29-2021

I worry for their safety.

COVID can kill you now, or cause long term health problems.
The vaccine may, or may not have side effects in the future.  

So you can base your decision on the known knowns, or the unknown unknowns.

RE: Covid count - Carey - 07-29-2021

(07-29-2021, 06:42 PM)kander Wrote: Its not a vaccine in the traditional sense, its an mRNA injection. Even the inventor of mRNA technology has came out and said there could be severe long term dangers involved in its use.  mRNA inventor says beware.
UMMMM.... Even IF you actually do believe that Dr. Malone is "the inventor" of a research project that has taken teams of researchers ... just because he published one paper in 1989, does not make him the INVENTOR.... & he even has admitted this - after the fact his oft repeated misstatement/misquote(???) was called out!
"UPDATE: Malone reached out to Logically, stating that he did not invent the mRNA vaccines, but instead the "vaccine technology platform." He also presented us with copies of nine patents – none of which showed that he invented the mRNA vaccines. The judgment for the claim has not changed."
Now to his current concern... he self-promotes himself as the having developed numerous mRNA therapeutics, but is now casting dispersion on a technology he has built his career & wealth on..... I say "how convenient" that NOW he has this ephiany!

RE: Covid count - MyManao - 07-29-2021

(07-29-2021, 06:42 PM)kander Wrote: Its not a vaccine in the traditional sense, its an mRNA injection. Even the inventor...

Facebook? Yeah, I bet your mama didn't tell you that that too can stunt your growth. You should thank Carey for shedding a little light on the parts they omitted..

And still, if all the fears that consume so many were founded in anything other than fantasy, do you really think it would be omitted by the real news? Dude, everyone would be screaming it from the rooftops. Nobody is lining up to be injected with chlorine, or whatever someone says it is on FB. I heard someone suggest we're being injected with an operating system. Like wow, I would so love to work on the team that developed that OS! Dude!

But no, it's just mRNA, at least that's the one coursing through my veins. And I love it. I'm, personally, on team Moderna. Go team go!

As to Obie's concerns, I sure am glad he's vaccinated. But going on, as if he's a spokesperson for the alt-right about freedoms and whatnot, is just so much noise. Dude, its a frickin' pandemic. You know, a full on millions of people dying, and now so many of them unnecessarily, pandemic. And, I say, if our governor thinks the people of Hawaii are not worthy of the honor system in which the unvaxx'd would have to do something honorable, more power him. After all, the unvaxx'd have proven, over and over again, they are not worthy of society's trust. As such, I am grateful for Ige's cautionary approach to ending our restrictions. And, I suspect you will be too when they tell us the next variant is stronger, more virulent, then the last.

RE: Covid count - kalakoa - 07-29-2021


RE: Covid count - HereOnThePrimalEdge - 07-29-2021

Puna man undecided about COVID vaccination has some advice:

Tibayan is going home with an oxygen tank — and a message.

“Do something,” he said. “No just think like how I used to think, like, ah, this is fake, this is propaganda, this is stuff. I tell you this ain’t no joke.”

“I felt sick Sunday, getting fevers Sunday, Monday, Tuesday,” said Tibayan. “Tuesday through Wednesday, I couldn’t sleep. I started coughing up blood. And Wednesday morning, I decided to drive myself here.”

He made that recollection at the Hilo Medical Center, where he was hospitalized for 49 days for COVID.


RE: Covid count - randomq - 07-29-2021

I suspect our high positivity numbers have to do with large households infecting each other and getting tested all together when symptomatic. And probably less random testing than the mainland, less access to healthcare, etc.

I dunno, I'm vaccinated so I'm going out, enjoying our island, and no longer worried about catching or spreading Covid. I don't feel repressed because I'm not, I'm on board with saving some lives even if masks are annoying or the vaccine is only 99.99999% safe. Seems like common sense in the middle of a pandemic.

If the unvaxxed or unmasked end up breeding worse variants and extending the pandemic, I'm going to be pretty pissed off.

RE: Covid count - sistersue - 07-29-2021

(07-29-2021, 06:29 PM)Obie Wrote: I was vaccinated in March. Why would anything I posted give you the idea I wasn't.
My first polio vaccine was a shot. I have had a flu shot every year since they were invented.
Hep A and Hep B.
Pneumonia and every other vaccine that's been invented.

Explain to me why Hawaii has a higher positivity rate than Ohio where there have been no restrictions since June 2nd.
Hawaii has a tourist industry and then there's all the locals that go to the mainland and back.  I know my friend's grandson brought it here from Texas and the whole household got terribly sick.  He was only in Texas for one day after arriving there from Ohio, so we don't know which state he caught it in - probably Mansfield, Ohio. By the time he became sick and got tested the whole family had caught it.  Now I've discovered that the J&J vaccine, which is the one I had, doesn't work for the delta variant!

RE: Covid count - macuu222 - 07-30-2021

My wife and I got vaccinated with J&J in March. We are planning on flying to the west coast next month to visit a family member. But if it doesn't hold up to the Delta varient... then we will cancel our trip. We're both healthy and want to stay that way.

RE: Covid count - AaronM - 07-30-2021

Riddle me this Ladies and Gents - Since variants like Delta can be transmitted to the previously vaccinated and the consensus PW response is for every American to be vaccinated in order to quell such variants, then what about future variants like Lambda which originated in Peru and is being introduced here by our new guests from South & Central America?

Without proper security that intercepts all individuals attempting to cross our borders and presumably requires them to be vaccinated as a condition of arrival, then how exactly do we keep these future variants out? Furthermore, how does vaccinating every American matter if thousands of unvaccinated people enter our country every day?

RE: Covid count - birdmove - 07-30-2021

Since almost 100% of those now dieing from Covid are not vaccinated, just what more needs to be said?