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Why are so many vaccinated people getting COVID-19 lately? - Printable Version

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RE: Why are so many vaccinated people getting COVID-19 lately? - MyManao - 01-24-2022

And people that have no idea of what they are talking about but still profess to know better will always find ways to disparage those they fear.

I think it was Rob that initially pointed out that our salvation might be through, rather than around, omicron. I really hope the antibodies it provides those it infects serve them, and all of us, well into the future. I'm still taking an avoid at all cost approach, but am so grateful for the more cavalier for their efforts in making antibodies regardless of how they go about doing it. Good job all.

RE: Why are so many vaccinated people getting COVID-19 lately? - MarkP - 01-24-2022

With respect to both vaccinated and unvaccinated people still getting covid, I am not sure who first made this observation but I find it highly relevant: Both Serena Williams and I play tennis.

RE: Why are so many vaccinated people getting COVID-19 lately? - kalakoa - 01-24-2022

Both Serena Williams and I play tennis.

Logical conclusion: both tennis players and non-tennis players can get COVID.

RE: Why are so many vaccinated people getting COVID-19 lately? - MyManao - 01-24-2022

(01-24-2022, 06:58 PM)kalakoa Wrote: Both Serena Williams and I play tennis.

Logical conclusion: both tennis players and non-tennis players can get COVID.

Illogical conclusion: Serena knows more about COVID 'cause she's a better tennis player.

RE: Why are so many vaccinated people getting COVID-19 lately? - AlohaDave1960 - 01-25-2022

My sister, brother in law, nephew, great niece and her boyfriend, all have Covid19 at this moment. They all live in their own homes, in different areas of town. All but my great niece and her boyfriend are vaccinated. No one said you wouldn't get Covid19 if vaccinated. They said your odds of surviving it were much better. 
My unvaccinated great niece called me a sheep last week for following CDC guidlines. If I'm a sheep, I guess antivaxxers are sacrificial lambs for their cause.
I hope my great niece survives then gets vaccinated.

RE: Why are so many vaccinated people getting COVID-19 lately? - TomK - 01-25-2022

Great post. I doubt the stupid people will get it, the fact that you can still be infected after being vaccinated but at a much smaller risk of dying, being a burden on the health system, or being a spreader is lost on them.

RE: Why are so many vaccinated people getting COVID-19 lately? - eightfingers2.0 - 01-25-2022

(01-25-2022, 05:14 AM)TomK Wrote: Great post. I doubt the stupid people will get it, the fact that you can still be infected after being vaccinated but at a much smaller risk of dying, being a burden on the health system, or being a spreader is lost on them.

I lost count how many times I’ve said that here.

RE: Why are so many vaccinated people getting COVID-19 lately? - AlohaDave1960 - 01-25-2022

(01-25-2022, 05:14 AM)TomK Wrote: Great post. I doubt the stupid people will get it, the fact that you can still be infected after being vaccinated but at a much smaller risk of dying, being a burden on the health system, or being a spreader is lost on them.

RE: Why are so many vaccinated people getting COVID-19 lately? - Puna Grace - 01-25-2022

And people that have no idea of what they are talking about but still profess to know better will always find ways to disparage those they fear. - MyManao

Sage words indeed

RE: Why are so many vaccinated people getting COVID-19 lately? - 'elepaio - 01-26-2022

I would have to say Novak Djokovic is the most informed Tennis Star at this point on the subject.

Even IF catch it. 99.9_ % survival rate. Over 80, Got co-morbidity ? Shoots. But Shots protect you right ? Thats what they are advertising they do and why you signed up. Maybe for a third or soon come 4th.

So why all the anger and vitriol here ?

Your all brave survivors and will inherit the space and air us pure blood idiots leave behind.

I believe the bitterness stems from others  (who, imo, are better informed than you) and are in disagreement with your opinions and personal choices..

No need to be mean. The facts are out there folks And i don't think us healthy idiots going anywhere soon.

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