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How does your local economy feel? - Printable Version

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RE: How does your local economy feel? - JWFITZ - 09-26-2008

Most especially give a kid the confidence to have permission to think for themselves, question, and carve a way for themselves a life that they personally see fit.

So few have that confidence. . .

RE: How does your local economy feel? - Kapohocat - 09-26-2008

Originally posted by Punamom

On the Bailout:

George Bushes "No Banker Left Behind Act"

[Big Grin][Big Grin][Big Grin][Big Grin][Big Grin][Big Grin][Big Grin][Big Grin][Big Grin][Big Grin][Big Grin][Big Grin][Big Grin][Big Grin][Big Grin][Big Grin]

out loud even!

from JWFitz
I expect that the hardship that this will bring, regardless of the outcome or vote, us may do more to unite us than any other "progessive" or "conservative" ideas ever did.

Those plastic bags will be a luxury item we wont be able to afford...

RE: How does your local economy feel? - Hotzcatz - 09-26-2008

I dunno, I see high school kids fixing their trucks, welding up racks for their ATV's, growing gardens and hydroponic greens, painting their cars, making vinyl signs as well as cooking. They also sing and dance pretty good while they are doing it, too. Guess it just matters which high school the kids go to. This is public school, too.

RE: How does your local economy feel? - Guest - 09-26-2008


Spending on some of the poorest performing schools in the nation are the highest, for example NYC and DC spend about 11,000 dollars per kid per annum. with little to show, while some places spend less than half with great results.

The empires that are built within many school districts are the problem. In Houston it was recently published, all the salaries of school personnel. you would not believe the number of people (not teachers) that make over 200K and 100K.

And I have to disagree with you on responsibility. It is the responsibility to do everything for your child. that includes teaching him to read and how to be a good and respectful neighbor / citizen.

If you try to hire that out, good luck.

The most important thing we can do for our children is to make them autodidactic and we must foster critical thinking so they can constantly challenge the status quo which is so often corrupt and just plain wrong.

RE: How does your local economy feel? - Guest - 09-26-2008

They are cutting things like FFA, wood and auto shop and that is just sad. Not every kid is cut out to go off and get a degree. Our society is made up of all walks of life, auto mechanics, sheet rockers, cooks et al.

I love the joke about a University Professor has a plumbing problem so he calls a Plumber.

The plumber gets there and spends about 15 minute fixing the guy's sink.

The Professor says "what do I owe ya"
The Plumber says " that will be $110.00"

The Professor says wait just a second, that is $440.00 dollars an hour, that is $3520,00 per day. I have a PHD in anthropology and I am tenured at one of the nations most prestigious universities and I don't make anywhere near that kind of money.

The plumber says " yep, that's why I left Harvard.

RE: How does your local economy feel? - David M - 09-26-2008

Right you are Hotzcatz. But I'll also bet when people post negatively about education here in Hawaii, neither those skills, nor those schools are on their mind for "their" kids.
BTW, have you heard about the auto shop class in Laupahoehoe? Lucky kids.


Ninole Resident

RE: How does your local economy feel? - Beachboy - 09-27-2008

Originally posted by StillHope

I think a good time to buy is now .It will not be unusual that after the election mortgage rates will go up.(Or not?)

historically the economy enjoys a bit of a boost after a presidential election. But I'm not counting on it this time around. If our gov. doesn't get their act together. We could possibly be facing the hardest times since the great depression. Funny how a person like John McCain who for years has been singing the song about less oversight. That the market will correct it's self. It's people like him, and all these other GOP knuckle-heads who believe in that crap! Just think where many Americans would be today had Bush's plans to try to privatize Health Care thru the market! Seems like the last time America faced financial crisis, John McCain had his name & hands in that mess too(Keating 5).


You know the only difference between Sarah Palin and Dick Cheney is ... lipstick.

RE: How does your local economy feel? - Garretto - 09-27-2008

And let's not forget the GOP's answer to the Social Security problem is to hand the money over to their buddys on Wall Street...

RE: How does your local economy feel? - aprild - 09-28-2008


I don't see any disagreement between our statements at all.

I think we agree totally.


RE: How does your local economy feel? - Guest - 09-29-2008

I guess the essence of the phrase “true Believer” is all about believing in something even in the face of empirical evidence contradicting your belief.

I have read some say that the problems we are having with Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae are the result of republicans not wanting regulation or oversight.

So here is a test to see if you are a true believer:

If you can watch this
and still believe it was the republicans and Boooosh that caused this debacle, then you truly are a “true believer”. Remember when you practice to fool yourself, it is then that you are a fool.

But today, the truth is taboo. A person stands a better chance of getting fired from his job or ostracized by the community if he tells the truth than if he lies.