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Tornado damage on Oahu - Printable Version

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Tornado damage on Oahu - Rob Tucker - 03-09-2012


A National Weather Service team surveying damage and talking to witnesses determined a waterspout came ashore and was reclassified as a tornado in Lanikai about 7:30 a.m. The 20-yard-wide tornado traveled about 1.5 miles in 15 minutes to Enchanted Lake with wind speeds reaching 60 to 70 mph before dissipating, officials said.

RE: Tornado damage on Oahu - whalesong - 03-09-2012

It's not nice to mess with Mother Nature, but they do and they have been for a long time. See the links below, if you are interested in knowing the truth behind our strange weather.

Weather modification, commonly known as cloud seeding, is the application of scientific technology that can enhance a cloud's ability to produce precipitation. Weather Modification, Inc., is on the forefront of scientific technology to maximize water availability worldwide. Application of scientific concepts and extensive scientific experimentation has proven that cloud seeding increases the amount of precipitation.

Can you handle the truth?

See who their clients are and their projects:

RE: Tornado damage on Oahu - dmbwest - 03-09-2012

Thanks Rob, no doubt it was another one of those weather modification experiments gone wrong.

More 'must see' info here .. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XPY-zpmQv6Q


RE: Tornado damage on Oahu - hotinhawaii - 03-10-2012

Oh boy! Conspiracy theorists unite. This thread is now for you.

RE: Tornado damage on Oahu - Radiopeg - 03-10-2012

At the very least, it is a conspiracy to ignore the changes.

Peace and long life

RE: Tornado damage on Oahu - LeeE - 03-10-2012

I boiled some water for tea, this morning. I guess, from the water's perspective, I'm part of a conspiracy. One can learn a lot from water.

Eventualism, (as espoused in the timeless, classic film, "Schizopolis"), teaches us that although it appears as though nothing is planned and everything happens in a random fashion, what we are really seeing, is an endless series of events, determined by probabilities, which is why everything happens, eventually.

Rent, "Schizopolis", (and pay full price, not some bargain rate), for full enlightenment.

"Facts are stubborn things."

Historic weather events, indeed.

Lee Eisenstein

"Be kinder than necessary, as everyone is engaged in some kind of strudel."

RE: Tornado damage on Oahu - Midnight Rambler - 03-10-2012

If cloud seeding was any more effective than being able to produce some light showers, they'd be using it to relieve the drought on the leeward side of the Big Island!