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Pandanus - Printable Version

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Pandanus - dayna - 06-10-2012

Anyone have a Pandanus tree with the globe type "fruit" on them?

My parrots LOVE ripping these things to pieces so I'm looking to see if anyone has any I can come and cut off.



My artwork

RE: Pandanus - Carey - 06-10-2012

Those probably are the "hala" Pandanus tectorus, (if the 'globe' looks like a pineapple - green to yellow & most dogs like them too, slightly sweet & plastic-y chewy) and can be grown by planting the keys.

We do not have the tree, but have found fruit at Richardson, down at the end of Macu'u & other at many of our friends in Hawaiian Beaches, Shores & such (just saw some on the ground in Kings Landing area while kayaking...)

The absolutely bestest hala fruit I have seen is on the other side in the gated gardens off of Makala. HUGE soccer ball sized, with very large keys (they make great brushes!)