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Share Container from Hilo to Oakland - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Share Container from Hilo to Oakland (/showthread.php?tid=10522)

Share Container from Hilo to Oakland - krysinge - 07-16-2012

I'm looking to share space in someone's container going from Hilo to Oakland in early 2013. I plan to be back on the Big Island this winter for two months (January & February 2013) and my stuff will be ready to go by late January/early February. I don't have a lot - mostly just a bunch of boxes and a few pieces of furniture I'd like to keep if possible; but I could let the furniture go if there's only room for boxes.

Of course, I will share costs for the space.

I did this when I moved to the Big Island from the Bay Area six years ago and it worked out really well and I'm looking for a win/win again!

With warm aloha ...

RE: Share Container from Hilo to Oakland - krysinge - 10-05-2012

I'm still looking for someone to share a container with and thought I'd reply to bring the topic back up.

Mahalo for any leads!

RE: Share Container from Hilo to Oakland - krysinge - 12-24-2012

One more time I thought I'd bring this topic up to date since I will be arriving back on the Big Island soon and I'm still looking to share container space.

Anyone going Oakland way and want to share expenses on a container?
