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Volunteer Opportunities in Puna? - Printable Version

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Volunteer Opportunities in Puna? - Anticornflake - 07-17-2012

I was wondering if anyone knew of any organizations in the Puna area that needed volunteers. I did a quick search online and found a few places but most require some sort of manual labor. Unfortunately due to a back injury I can only do light work and administrative stuff. If anyone has ideas I'd really appreciate it!

RE: Volunteer Opportunities in Puna? - dfryman - 07-17-2012

ask the neighborhood place of puna 965-5550


RE: Volunteer Opportunities in Puna? - David Shaw - 07-17-2012

Aloha Anti: You could be a volunteer for the Puna Men's Chorus. There are several performances coming up and they need ticket takers, silent auction table monitors, record keeping, etc. You could avoid the 'manual labor' part and just do what you are able. Cal Volunteer Coordinator Tracy at 965-7174


RE: Volunteer Opportunities in Puna? - lquade - 07-17-2012

rainbow friends, just playing with the animals to socialize them is welcome probably also humane society the same

RE: Volunteer Opportunities in Puna? - Rene Siracusa - 07-17-2012

The Puna Community Medical Center is having all sorts of events and activities to raise money to build an emergency room. You can provide a vegetarian potluck pupu dish for an event on Friday, 8/31, or direct parking or take tickets and help with post-event cleanup on the same night. You can help with a rummage sale on Sat. morning 8/4 in the Pahoa Cash & Carry parking lot, or drive around and pick up people's donations for the sale (this won't necessarily require heavy lifting). If this emergency room project appeals to you, contact me directly at renesiracusa@hotmail.com. Mahalo.

RE: Volunteer Opportunities in Puna? - Big_Island - 07-18-2012

Might also try the Horse and Donkey Rescue.
It's a wonderful place.... Smile

C&B Horse and Donkey Rescue http://www.hawaiihorserescue.com/
Bird (808) 987-9064

RE: Volunteer Opportunities in Puna? - bystander - 07-18-2012

I looked into this before but it sounded too demading.


RE: Volunteer Opportunities in Puna? - ericlp - 07-18-2012

A few I can think of...

Habitat for humanity
The Hilo Zoo
Humane Society
meals on wheels