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a Fox ?? - Printable Version

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a Fox ?? - jlgerk - 07-22-2012

I thought we saw a Fox, light tan, as we left the Hawaiian Sanctuary Retreat last night. Is that possible ?? or just a dog that looked like one ??


RE: a Fox ?? - riverwolf - 07-22-2012

Put down the bong amigo and step away from the matches Smile....there are no foxes here. Dog or fat mongoose my guess.
Other than that, how was the music ?
Wanted to go out to hear it but was too worn out from a full day of working under the sun.


RE: a Fox ?? - terracore - 07-22-2012

There's a number of dog breeds that look like foxes, especially when they are partially shaved.

RE: a Fox ?? - dmbwest - 07-22-2012

Another option,

