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Larry Price - Printable Version

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Larry Price - tada - 05-06-2007

Anybody listen to Larry Price and his "secretary music"? now he's trying to be the next LImbaugh or Imus!


Others want to make friends- I just want to make money.
James Cramer

RE: Larry Price - G. Leis - 05-06-2007

I think 'ol Larry played a little too much football without a helmet.


Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati

RE: Larry Price - tada - 05-06-2007

no worries brah. how many wailing Whitney Houston songs can anybody listen to???

Others want to make friends- I just want to make money.
James Cramer

RE: Larry Price - Beachboy - 05-07-2007

to see him, or listen to him really upsets my stomach! He's had that effect on me since the 70's. Besides, who listen to that radio station anyways?

RE: Larry Price - LeeE - 05-24-2007

Don't have tv or listen to the radio much, (get my info from the web), so I'm no expert on Mr. Price's show and I don't condone Larry's, "blue eyed", comments. However, this quote from the interview rings true, (and yes, it can also apply to any group of people).

"Price: "Yes, to us it does. Because when local people hear somebody from the Mainland talk about how honest everything is that means that something's wrong. You know when they say 'frankly' or 'honestly' we did a lot of things, you know and stuff like that, that sounds suspicious...."

Over the past twenty seven years, (since I moved here from California), I've met Larry many times, both on his show with Michael W. Perry and around town. He's always been very friendly, funny and gracious.

I wonder how he feels about the "Mainlandization" of Oahu? Is this larger issue something he's talked about?

tada wrote: "Anybody listen to Larry Price and his "secretary music"? now he's trying to be the next LImbaugh or Imus!"

Personally, I'd rather see Larry be the next Mike Rivero or Jeff Rense, since they cover the larger issues Mr. Price seemed to allude to.

Great to see "race baiting" statements meet with popular disapproval, however, compared to the garbage we've all heard and seen coming from mainstream, neocon/corporate/hate radio and tv (especially over the last seven years), Larry's comments were fairly mild (though deservedly objectionable), imho.

People are complex and usually full of contradictions.

Just want to say that from my experience, there's much more to Mr. Price than this one instance suggests.

RE: Larry Price - Rob Tucker - 05-24-2007

I feel totally lost. I am considered a news hound and I must admit I have never before heard of:

Larry Price, Michael W. Perry, Mike Rivero or Jeff Rense

RE: Larry Price - LeeE - 05-24-2007

Hawaii resident, Mike Rivero, runs one of the country's biggest news and opinion sites, <whatreallyhappened.com>. Huge visitor numbers!

Same with mainlander, Jeff Rense, <rense.com>.

Great stuff!
