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BI Employment News - Printable Version

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BI Employment News - pahoated - 09-20-2012

This is a tribune article about the welfare doubling. The startling line is here:

Welfare recipients double

"Low-paying or not, a full 41.6 percent of all residents 16 and over had no job at all in 2011, according to the census. That’s up from 38 percent in 2010."

This might be misleading since the statement doesn't clarify if that included the retired, self employed and disabled. Still a rather stark indicator of the employment situation here.

RE: BI Employment News - terracore - 09-21-2012

Originally posted by pahoated

This is a tribune article about the welfare doubling. The startling line is here:

Welfare recipients double

"Low-paying or not, a full 41.6 percent of all residents 16 and over had no job at all in 2011, according to the census. That’s up from 38 percent in 2010."

This might be misleading since the statement doesn't clarify if that included the retired, self employed and disabled. Still a rather stark indicator of the employment situation here.

http://hawaiitribune-herald.com/sections/news/local-news/unemployment-drops.html Says today the BI unemployment rate is 8.3%. Hawaii (state) unemployment rate is 6.1%. The national unemployment rate is currently 8.1%. http://www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.nr0.htm

http://in.reuters.com/article/2012/09/21/usa-states-employment-idINL1E8KL8W920120921 says unemployment rate in Nevada is over 12%. Maybe Hawaii will see an influx of people from Nevada looking for jobs?!