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My wife's passing - Printable Version

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My wife's passing - taildrag - 09-25-2012

Though I have been a member of Punaweb for 7 years,I rarely post but always read what is going on.My wife of 42 years passed away on Sept.14th from cancer in the liver.She was known for creating Lek's mountain,our rock garden in front of our house in HPP.We found out on June 29th that she had uncurable cancer in the liver and went to Florida to be near our kids and grandkids.On Saturday Sept.29 we will be scattering her ashes at sea at her request.We will be throwing leis and yellow roses(her favorite).She was known for her green thumb and is very deeply missed by me and family.I will return to Hawaii and plan to remain as long as my health is good.I promised her that I would return and nurture her plants.I think she would be happy to know that our fellow Punatics were made aware of her passing.Mahalo for being there.

RE: My wife's passing - Royall - 09-25-2012

I'm so sorry to hear this Don, I'll be thinking of Lek, and especially this coming Saturday. Please call when you get back.


Hale O Na Mea Pa`ani

RE: My wife's passing - Aki - 09-25-2012

Our sincere condolences, though words cannot express the depth of loss and heartache you and your family must be feeling at this time. The sendoff at sea with leis and yellow roses is a beautiful memory.

RE: My wife's passing - allensylves - 09-25-2012

Glad to hear you will be coming back. Let us know when you are back.
Allen & Wannipa

Finally in HPP

RE: My wife's passing - Rob Tucker - 09-25-2012

I am very sad to hear this news. Please know that my family's thoughts and best wishes are with you...

RE: My wife's passing - Chuysmom - 09-25-2012

Oh Don I am so sorry for this news. I was thinking about "Lek's Mountain" a short time ago. Blessings to you and your loved ones.



"Even the smallest person can change the course of the future..." Galadriel LOTR

RE: My wife's passing - lquade - 09-25-2012

so sorry for your news don. although we have never met we are members of the greater punaweb sangha and my thoughts are with you. may the ocean embrace your dear wife and may the ocean cleanse your sadness. gassho, linnette

RE: My wife's passing - DanielP - 09-25-2012

strength and peace to you at this time of loss

RE: My wife's passing - Kelena - 09-25-2012

My sincere condolences on your loss. May all the blessings of this island embrace you upon your return. I wish you a long life surrounded by friends, caring for the plants that she nurtured.

RE: My wife's passing - JerryCarr - 09-25-2012

Although I did not know your dear wife, please accept my sympathy for her loss. As a gardener, I deeply respect your desire to fulfill her wish of you returning and caring for her plants.