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Fools blasting stereos and subwoofers - Printable Version

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Fools blasting stereos and subwoofers - rainyjim - 11-19-2012

Can you folk on Aulii st. hear that subwoofer? It almost sounds like somebody's driving up the street then back down again 6:50 - 7:00 pm. I heard the same system last night around maybe 9:00-10:00 pm - it woke me up and I was all startled wondering what was going on like a bomb raid or something!

Curious if its somebody that actually lives on the street or just someone picking up drugs from someone who lives on the street. Or perhaps someone/something entirely different?



RE: Fools blasting stereos and subwoofers - dmbwest - 11-19-2012

Dear Jim,

Where are you from ?


RE: Fools blasting stereos and subwoofers - lquade - 11-20-2012

when i hear those idiots, i comfort myself with the vision of them getting fitted for their first hearing aids....

RE: Fools blasting stereos and subwoofers - kalakoa - 11-20-2012

Just another one of those things that is "technically illegal", but nobody gets ticketed.

RE: Fools blasting stereos and subwoofers - rainyjim - 11-20-2012

Hi Pog, I'm from Sonoma.



RE: Fools blasting stereos and subwoofers - riverwolf - 11-20-2012

Sonoma "town" (not really a small town anymore)or Sonoma County ?
I have history there as well.


RE: Fools blasting stereos and subwoofers - rainyjim - 11-20-2012

lol lquade! That's just the positive thinking I need.



RE: Fools blasting stereos and subwoofers - dayna - 11-20-2012

Rainyjim that was totally ME!

Haha I kid I kid. I hear them often. It's not that big of a deal. Roosters, subwoofers, shouting, gunshots, parrots screaming, dogs barking, frogs etc etc. All normal sounds here in the neighborhood! Smile



RE: Fools blasting stereos and subwoofers - Cagary - 11-20-2012

Imagine what it would be like if they actually filled in all the pukas on 40th and paved it. Subwoofer and racing city!

Be careful what you wish for!

RE: Fools blasting stereos and subwoofers - dmbwest - 11-20-2012

Don't forget they are all " picking up drugs " too ... sheesh .. talk about a leap.