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Time for house cleaning at OHA - Printable Version

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Time for house cleaning at OHA - liskir - 12-09-2012

WHY IS KANA`IOLOWALU A TRAP? - Find Out Here - http://FreeHawaii.Info/


Many of you have expressed outrage at learning recently of the now not-so-secret plans of the Sovereign Councils Of The Hawaiian Homelands Assembly (SCHHA,) the Council For Native Hawaiian Advancement (CNHA) and the Danners to attain US federal recognition by using the executive authority of US president Barack Obama.

If successful, this sneak scheme would classify Hawaiians as a US indian tribe without your input or approval.

Many of you have responded to ask what you can do to kokua.

As you are probably aware, this coming Tuesday, December 11th is investiture day for Office Of Hawaiian Affairs Trustees. It is on that day OHA trustees will be taking a vote to elect a chairperson.

It has been the direction of the present regime to not only recently fund the Native Hawaiian Roll with another two million of your beneficiary dollars, but also support the SCHHA and the CNHA in their endeavors. Clearly OHA needs to go in a new direction.

Sources have identified Trustee Robert Lindsey as the swing vote who on Tuesday, December 11th, can make this happen.

If you are fed up with the shenanigans at OHA - the wanton spending of beneficiary monies on things like the Native Hawaiian Roll and Kana`iolowalu, their support of the SCHHA and the CNHA, as well as their determined push for a US Indian-type "Native Hawaiian governing entity," now is your chance to do something.

Both call and email Trustee Robert Lindsey today. Tell him to do the pono thing and vote for change. Tell him not to cast his vote for the present regime. Tell him not to cave in to pressure from the current regime nor believe their promises.

Tell him to vote on Tuesday, December 11th for a new Chairperson.

Contact Trustee Lindsey here - Phone - (808) 936-6795

Email - boblindsey808@hawaii.rr.com

Your mana`o is so important at this very critical time. Please both call and email today and make your voice heard.

"An idea whose time has come cannot be stopped" Dr. Ron Paul 2012