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Punaweb running slow? - Printable Version

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Punaweb running slow? - Rob Tucker - 01-11-2013

You may be experiencing slow loading time with Punaweb. I have. I have gotten word from various members too. I have been in touch with our server and we are working on it. It may take a day or to to solve because we may need to reset with a newer server network.

Bear with us. Mahalo for your patience.

Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator

RE: Punaweb running slow? - dmbwest - 01-11-2013

Just came over to start this topic ... Been a a couple day Rob ...

Thought maybe you did it 'on purpose' so get 10 seconds to breathe before reply : )

Don't work too hard Rob !


RE: Punaweb running slow? - cwoods61 - 01-11-2013

Too bad the slowness didn't discourage the spammer. :-)

RE: Punaweb running slow? - terracore - 01-12-2013

Interesting... when I ping punaweb.org from the EU it works fine but when I ping it from Hawaii it shows a 50% packet loss. At first I suspected the SQL database needed maintenance (the slow down was coincidental when the # of posts exceeded 100,000, thought maybe the extra digit in the table was killing the SQL speed. Wouldn't be a bad idea to scan/repair the database anyway, if you haven't already).

RE: Punaweb running slow? - Radiopeg - 01-12-2013

Gosh, my internet is so slow, I didn't notice.

Peace and long life

RE: Punaweb running slow? - nana valley - 01-12-2013

Still having problems with Punaweb as it won't open up a topic at times. Hope it gets fixed ! I need my "fix" of Punaweb!

RE: Punaweb running slow? - ericlp - 01-12-2013

I thought it was from all the rain! Smile

RE: Punaweb running slow? - Rob Tucker - 01-13-2013

What I am told is that Punaweb is a ten year old web site and some of our set up has become antiquated. PW shares a server with other sites and apparently one or more of the other web sites is generating very heavy traffic. So we are moving PW into a server network. Several servers chained together and that configuration should remove the problem. This can take 72 hours I am told.

Thanks for your patience.

RE: Punaweb running slow? - kalakoa - 01-13-2013

It's a little sad that punaweb "has to" be hosted both off-island and out-of-state.

RE: Punaweb running slow? - ericlp - 01-13-2013

Could you imagine hosting a site with internet service here in Puna / Pahoa? You think it's slow now! Sheesh, there is no reliable internet in Puna. I'd even be a little concerned about hosting it from Hilo. While better it's still not up to par as mainland/Oahu connections and up time.

Indeed Sad.