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Ice on Mauna Kea - Printable Version

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Ice on Mauna Kea - TomK - 03-18-2013

Thought one or two of you might like to see a couple of shots captured by the MK webcams this morning after this weekend's storm on Mauna Kea. 100+ mph winds with fog, snow and ice resulted in these two:

Mauna Kea All Sky Infrared and Visible Sky Monitor (ASIVA).

Ice warning sign outside UKIRT.

Those horizontal icicles point towards the direction of the wind if you thought of asking.


RE: Ice on Mauna Kea - Royall - 03-18-2013

way cool tom.... thanks for posting!!


Hale O Na Mea Pa`ani

RE: Ice on Mauna Kea - EightFingers - 03-19-2013

"...Those horizontal icicles point towards the direction of the wind if you thought of asking...."

WHen I first read that I thought it was ridiculous....then I thought about it.....makes perfect sense to me now!

RE: Ice on Mauna Kea - birdmove - 03-19-2013

Thanks, Tom. Post more any time.

Jon in Keaau/HPP