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Teens Wanted for Meth Project Advisory Council - Printable Version

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Teens Wanted for Meth Project Advisory Council - opihikao - 03-29-2013

Let's hope some of our Hawai'i island teenagers apply for this. We need the kids to get involved. (*Snipped more at link):


The Hawaii Meth Project announces that the application for its Teen Advisory Council is now available for the 2013-2014 school year.

High school students, grades 9-12, across the state of Hawaii are encouraged to apply for one of 20 available positions. Public, private and home-schooled high school students from all counties are eligible to apply for consideration.

Members of the Council will lead and facilitate peer outreach through a variety of activities at their schools and in their communities.

Each member will serve for one term concurrent with the school year, from July 2013 to June 2014.

Teen Advisory Council members are vital to the Hawaii Meth Project’s community action programs, encouraging teen volunteerism and community engagement by spearheading outreach opportunities statewide.

Teens interested in applying for the 2013-2014 Teen Advisory Council must complete an official application, available online at www.methproject.org/action/haw

Parental consent is required. Completed application and two letters of reference, one from a teacher or school counselor and one from a coach, community, or business leader, must be submitted via fax at (808) 356-8645, or emailed to gdecosta@hawaiimethproject.org by 5 p.m. Wednesday, May 15, 2013.

The Hawaii Meth Project is solely responsible for selecting candidates it believes are best qualified to serve on the Teen Advisory Council.


RE: Teens Wanted for Meth Project Advisory Council - unknownjulie - 03-29-2013

It seems like a lot of the "methheads" are dying off. Any opinions? That stuff is so nasty it eventually destroys the user.