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clearing dense growth for building - Printable Version

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clearing dense growth for building - 2ofUs - 04-07-2013

We've bought a small lot (just under.20 acres) in a subdivision. It's above Mtn View and nearly boarders on National Forest. The lot is covered with dense growth that we've been told is mostly guava. We plan to build a small house and will obviously need to clear a way in and a building site. From reading posts here, we're thinking that a product like Remedy will be very helpful it keeping guava from returning. What we don't know is what is the best (least costly)way to 'dispose' of the material that's removed. If we put it through a chipper and spread it all over the clearing, will the chips basicly spread new growth? Would that be ok in the long run, or would we be better off paying to haul it to the dump? or is there a better way still?

RE: clearing dense growth for building - dayna - 04-07-2013

Are you having it bulldozed? How are you planning on clearing the area?



RE: clearing dense growth for building - 2ofUs - 04-07-2013

We plan to do selective clearing, probably with power hand tools.
There will be a backhoe involved when it's time to pour the house's foundation/slab.

RE: clearing dense growth for building - kalakoa - 04-08-2013

Always recycle your biomass -- all of it, all the time.

I have seen waiwi sprout from cutting, but only big pieces that stay wet.

RE: clearing dense growth for building - Rene Siracusa - 04-08-2013

I battled strawberry guava for years and finally arrived at my preferred method, which is cheaper and most effective: chainsaw or lop down as close to ground level as possible, and then immediately apply some herbicide to the fresh cut. Remedy with forest crop oil is OK. So is one half cup Ortho poison ivy killer diluted with 1 gal. water. The latter is cheaper, unless you already purchased the Remedy. I don't spray the herbicide...I put it in a shampoo or dish liquid bottle and apply directly to the cut surface. You have better control that way and don't risk contaminating the soil or killing nearby desireable plants.

You can chip up the trunk and branches and the chips will not resprout, especially if you make a nice big pile of them. Use them later for mulch, or if you want to fill in a low spot.

RE: clearing dense growth for building - pslamont - 04-08-2013

I am just up above Mt. View before you get to Volcano. I would b happy to have your chippings but you should keep it. In fact, if you are on rock, I am 15 feet deep in soil. If yo come get a few truckloads of soil from me and maybe some chicken and/or sheep manure you pile it all up with your chippings and let it decompose. You will have a great starter for gardening. Feel free to be in touch. Pam 345 8440

I want to be the kind of woman that, when my feet
hit the floor each morning, the devil says

"Oh Crap, She's up!"

RE: clearing dense growth for building - 2ofUs - 04-08-2013

Thank you all so much for the great info. It's a great relief to know that we don't have to truck all that material off the lot. Not so happy to hear that we don't have soil. I've been told otherwise, but I've never seen it, so I'll just keep my fingers crossed for now. Pam! I never thought I'd be so grateful to be offered a line to...dirt and poop. But I am. I'm going to put your number in my cell phone. We definitly plan to plant a garden, and some fruiting trees. Thank you all again.


RE: clearing dense growth for building - pslamont - 04-08-2013

The down side of me having soil is that I don't have rock. Once you do what you have to do, you will have rock for stack walls and they will make wonderful garden areas. Be in touch when you get over here... you can come visit me. )

I want to be the kind of woman that, when my feet
hit the floor each morning, the devil says

"Oh Crap, She's up!"

RE: clearing dense growth for building - 2ofUs - 04-09-2013

I look forward to seeing you. We're looking at tickets in early June right now. Don't be surprised. Smile
I'm SO glad we found punaweb.