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Intentional Communities in Puna - Printable Version

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Intentional Communities in Puna - Hanley - 05-07-2013

Puna seems to be a mecca of Intentional Communities. Through researching them is how I found out about the district in the first place.

Does anyone have feedback on communities in the area or elsewhere on the island? Which ones do you like? Which ones would you pass on? How difficult is it to find a fair work/trade situation on one of these communities?


RE: Intentional Communities in Puna - Carey - 05-08-2013

Although Puna does have a few full-time eco-villages, ohana communities & communes... most here would not give the area the title "Mecca", as much of the more known are the more transient tourist communities & WOOFer opportunities (unless you are referring to transient community opportunities). Full time non-related land trust communities are not that common, nor are there a slew of co-op communities... but there are a few about...

RE: Intentional Communities in Puna - Hanley - 05-08-2013

It seems like a number of the transient tourist type places also have permanent members who are all part owners of the land. From what I've seen on a prominent intentional community website a lot of these places will let you buy into their LLC which gains you access to the land and equity in any improvements made.

At this point I'm interested in "all of the above" be it tourist communities, wwoofing, or living in a full fledged intentional community. I will say however that I've done wwoofing and internships in asia and the states and now do paid farm work in Salt Lake City, so I would be less interested in a huge work commitment for no pay.

Can you recommend any places specifically or would it be best for me to wait till I'm there and look around first hand? Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions!

RE: Intentional Communities in Puna - Kapohocat - 05-08-2013

Try contacting the folks at Laakea.

RE: Intentional Communities in Puna - pahoated - 05-08-2013

Then there are squatter unintentional communities, the nonsocial social associations.

"This island Hawaii on this island Earth"

RE: Intentional Communities in Puna - kalakoa - 05-08-2013

Many subdivisions are comprised of people who intend to keep it the way it is.
Does that count?