Punaweb Forum
Happy 10th birthday Punaweb - Printable Version

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Happy 10th birthday Punaweb - PaulW - 05-29-2013

Click on the "Members" link and you see:

Rob Tucker Member since 05/30/2003

Thanks for keeping this forum going, Rob. And everyone else!

RE: Happy 10th birthday Punaweb - peteadams - 05-30-2013

We are certainly indebted in many ways to Rob for creating and maintaining this forum for all these years. Mahalo nui loa!

RE: Happy 10th birthday Punaweb - Kapohocat - 05-30-2013

Thank you Rob. Great job for 10 yrs playing school yard monitor! [Big Grin] ....and providing an excellent place to exchanges ideas and info.

RE: Happy 10th birthday Punaweb - Andrew - 05-30-2013

Happy 10th Anniversary Rob!! Smile

RE: Happy 10th birthday Punaweb - Peter Easterling - 05-30-2013

Mahalo Rob. Your work is truly appreciated. I have learned so much, even shared a bit.

RE: Happy 10th birthday Punaweb - David M - 05-30-2013

My, my, how time flys. Happy Anniversary.


Ninole Resident
Please visit vacation.ninolehawaii.com

RE: Happy 10th birthday Punaweb - Rob Tucker - 05-30-2013

Thank you Punawebbers. I wish I could say that ten years has gone by in a flash. It feels like ten years. Except for the occasional crisis or idiot attacks it has very largely been good and I am pleased that ten years on Punaweb is working as intended.

When I got to the island there was no such thing for Puna. And it was a bit like stumbling through the dark trying to find out simple things. I came across Konaweb and got rather disenchanted. Everytime Puna was mentioned they talked as though Punatics were all criminals and had webs between our toes. Maybe they were entitled to their opinions. I thought that Puna deserved a place where it would define itself without letting others do it. So good, bad or indifferent Puna could be itself. It didn't bother me if the warts and unpleasant stuff came up. Puna is what it is. But there were limits to how much lack of civility I could put up with.

In the course of ten years about five people have been banned. Permanently. I have heard those individuals say I don't tolerate opinions other than my own. They can think that if they like. But the fact is they were commanding so much attention and time they were compromising a community forum. I'm not counting the spammers. They are plucked fairly quickly.

I am pleased that people can share ideas. Teach things, learn things. I am please there is a place to sell stuff or otherwise promote oneself that doesn't cost money. A good memory was one woman who told me she had a yard sale, only advertised on Punaweb, and was sold out by noon. That was great. She can spend the $40 she saved on newspaper ads and spend it on her kids.

So now we start the next decade. I'm confident there will be some crises ahead of us from time to time. Doesn't matter. With a little luck Punaweb will attain it's 20th anniversary in 2023. I hope you will all still be here for that.

Best wishes,

Rob Tucker

Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator

RE: Happy 10th birthday Punaweb - PaulW - 05-30-2013

Well said, Rob. A free and expertly-moderated forum is a wonderful thing to have.

RE: Happy 10th birthday Punaweb - rainshadow - 05-30-2013

Excellent response; great work, Rob. And thank you.

-- rainshadow

RE: Happy 10th birthday Punaweb - Carey - 05-30-2013

Rob, Happy Anniversary & thank you for providing this forum & you very patient & consistent guidance