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Special Use Permit, Hawaiian Shores - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Special Use Permit, Hawaiian Shores (/showthread.php?tid=12068)

Special Use Permit, Hawaiian Shores - snorkle - 06-18-2013

Application for a Use Permit to construct a wireless telecommunications facility consisting of a 150-foot tall monopole and related equipment on a 3,075 square-foot portion of a 3.81-acre parcel situated within the Agricultural-1-acre (A-1a) zoning district. The subject property, known as Maikoiko Park, is located at the end of South Maikoiko Street on the makai side of the street, Hawaiian Shores Subdivision, Puna, Hawai‘i, TMK: 1-5-106: portion of 001.

Any Thoughts?

edit; spelling

RE: Special Use Permit, Hawaiian Shores - KeaauRich - 06-18-2013

If you want better cell service and broadband service in the area, you support it. If you don't, oppose it...

RE: Special Use Permit, Hawaiian Shores - Norm - 06-18-2013

Hope its up by this year, Cell phone in Beaches is poor