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Zendo Kern introduces Anti-Albezia bill?! - Printable Version

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Zendo Kern introduces Anti-Albezia bill?! - dragon2k - 07-11-2013

Sounds great, but does it have a hope of passing?

RE: Zendo Kern introduces Anti-Albezia bill?! - dmbwest - 07-11-2013


Can you site your source info on these kine posts for us please ?


RE: Zendo Kern introduces Anti-Albezia bill?! - dragon2k - 07-11-2013


RE: Zendo Kern introduces Anti-Albezia bill?! - dmbwest - 07-11-2013

Missed this one ... Buy neva' gonna happen anyway.

RE: Zendo Kern introduces Anti-Albezia bill?! - dragon2k - 07-11-2013

Wishful thinking? That's too bad.

RE: Zendo Kern introduces Anti-Albezia bill?! - unknownjulie - 07-12-2013

I think this absolutely is going to pass. I think it will be modified and watered down, but I think it will eventually get through.

RE: Zendo Kern introduces Anti-Albezia bill?! - Royall - 07-12-2013

wonder who will and how much it will cost to clear the Pahoa/Kapoho road between Nanawali and Lava Tree park?! That is one scary stretch of road on a windy day.. more so at night!


Hale O Na Mea Pa`ani

RE: Zendo Kern introduces Anti-Albezia bill?! - dragon2k - 07-12-2013

Originally posted by Royall

wonder who will and how much it will cost to clear the Pahoa/Kapoho road between Nanawali and Lava Tree park?! That is one scary stretch of road on a windy day.. more so at night!


Hale O Na Mea Pa`ani

As much as I hate Albezia, I really like that stretch. The tunnel of trees has a real magical quality to it. With no homes on that section I am not sure if they would be targeted...

RE: Zendo Kern introduces Anti-Albezia bill?! - lquade - 07-12-2013

having had land that suffered from neighbors neglect i like the idea... yet if the law remains vague it seems it could be abused by neighbors who want to harass. maybe they should be more specific to albezia and the giant swamp mahogany? then how about rampant guava matts? where does it go,,, then, what about the person who buys cheap next to a albezia forest, then wants the neighboring landowner to clear it for him?? like the people who buy next to a farm, then complain about the farm smell and noise... what is the balance between government help and government control? interesting bill.

RE: Zendo Kern introduces Anti-Albezia bill?! - csgray - 07-12-2013

Albezia are not just a nuisance, but are a hazard. When they are growing in pahoehoe lava and reach even half their full size, they can easily blow down and cause real damage to neighboring properties. People should be responsible for their albezia as far as the trees will reach when they fall over. Guava is not going to flatten anybody's house or catchment tank, but albezia do. You can buy a property next to a cleared lot that in 5 years has an albezia forest well established.

Off island owners have no idea how fast these trees grow. The Oahu owners of the lot next to us were shocked to discover that the grassy lot with an ocean view they bought 15 years before now had an albezia forest, with trees 3 foot in diameter, dropping giant limbs on our fence and catchment tank. The cost of the tree removal will be twice what they paid for their lot, and they will not do anything about if unless forced to. I don't want to have to sue my neighbor after their hazard trees damage my house or kill someone, but right now there is no way to get them to deal with the problem proactively.
