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Funding for Pahoa Roundabout Released - Printable Version

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Funding for Pahoa Roundabout Released - OpenD - 07-25-2013

Buried in the story* about Governor Abercrombie releasing the funds to build Pier 4 in Hilo, was the notice that he had also released $490,000 funding for the Pahoa roundabout project that was under discussion last year.

No word on when the project will commence, but you can review what the project entails in this article from last December: http://bigislandnow.com/2012/12/12/public-meeting-next-week-on-pahoa-roundabout/

*Here's today's article: http://bigislandnow.com/2013/07/25/funding-complete-for-new-interisland-cargo-terminal-in-hilo/

RE: Funding for Pahoa Roundabout Released - dragon2k - 07-25-2013

Well, after an initial spike due to the steep learning curve of roundabouts, we should see a marked decline in vehicular accidents.

RE: Funding for Pahoa Roundabout Released - ericlp - 07-25-2013

wow, for that kinda money I figured it would be a two lane roundabout. Ah well... Ought to be interesting.

RE: Funding for Pahoa Roundabout Released - Vampire - 07-25-2013

The idiot politicians will rue the day they approved this stupid circle road!

Future traffic in Pahoa: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LUYbu5DJA1U


RE: Funding for Pahoa Roundabout Released - Justin - 07-26-2013

I was thinking about this the other day, and they could "improve" (I hesitate to use the word "fix") the intersection in the following ways for relatively little money:

1) re-open the spur heading southwards from 130 to Pahoa Village Road for people wanting to enter Pahoa town from the highway, and closing the current right turn where so many accidents occur.

2) for people leaving the marketplace to go south towards Kalapana, forcing everyone to turn right from Kahakai onto 130 (instead of Pahoa Village Road)

3) for people entering the marketplace from the south, forcing everyone to turn left from 130 onto Kahakai (instead of Pahoa Village Road)

If the above three things are done, for people turning left from Pahoa Village Road going towards Hilo, now there wouldn't be anyone turning in front of you, and you'd really only need to look one way to make sure it is safe to turn.

Also, there wouldn't be the mess at that stop sign right by the shopping center, because more people would already be on Pahoa Village Road (from the spur).

They could make those changes for probably less than $10k, make them now, and then decide six months from now whether they need to use $490,000 for something completely different.

RE: Funding for Pahoa Roundabout Released - Kapohocat - 07-26-2013

Originally posted by Justin

1) re-open the spur heading southwards from 130 to Pahoa Village Road for people wanting to enter Pahoa town from the highway, and closing the current right turn where so many accidents occur.

This is the one idea I truly do not understand why it hasnt been done long ago. Or is it only me that sees this as a pretty simple solution to reduce a % of the accidents.

RE: Funding for Pahoa Roundabout Released - pahoated - 07-26-2013

The total cost for the roundabout destruction derby is $5 million.


Considering these CIP funds are by year, this initial 2013 release is probably just for the surveying.

It would be a real hoot if they used this to also start the detour through "downtown" Pahoa, in preparation for more CIP money to be released in 2014. Always something exciting in pUNA.

"This island Hawaii on this island Earth"

RE: Funding for Pahoa Roundabout Released - kalakoa - 07-26-2013

Originally posted by pahoated

The total cost for the roundabout destruction derby is $5 million.

Just remember that's $5M in "today's dollars", expect the finished product to cost $8-10M.

Fortunately for me, I don't really "need" anything in Pahoa, which is convenient, as I (and many others) probably won't be going there often (if at all) once the construction starts.

Better add another $2M in "bailout funds" for the local Pahoa businesses...

RE: Funding for Pahoa Roundabout Released - punaticbychoice - 07-26-2013

Sounds like you're trying for a HDOT engineering job.
Forget it. You're obviously overqualified.
Another observation: the one way in and out of Puna will be constricted
by these projects (130 work and roundabout).
Puna needs an alternative route in and out.
PMAR anybody? At least to let Puna makai subdivisions shop and get around
even within Puna during this upcoming extravaganza- much less go anywhere else.[Wink][Wink]

RE: Funding for Pahoa Roundabout Released - dragon2k - 07-26-2013

Wait for an emergency and our evac route is comprimised by years long construction...