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Property in HPP worth less around chicken farms? - Printable Version

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Property in HPP worth less around chicken farms? - EightFingers - 08-09-2013

I've noticed property located next to or even near chicken farms seems to be a lot harder to sell and/or sells at a lower price than comparable properties that are located farther away. I've noticed this after studying the HPP housing and land market for about two years.
Has anyone else found this to be true? I'd ask realtors, but I'd think they might be a bit tight lipped about it.

RE: Property in HPP worth less around chicken farms? - oink - 08-09-2013

It would be logical if that is the case. The property is worth what someone is willing to pay. (I'm ignoring buyers needing loans requiring an appraisal) I would think the pool of potential buyers would be less for a property next to a chicken farm, resulting in a lower sale price. Why would a Realtor be tight lipped about it? It would be unethical for a listing Realtor (actually any) to conceal the fact. In a normal market much of an agents business is repeat or referral business. That is not achieved by having pissed off customers. A CMA (Comparative Market Analysis) produced by an experienced and competent agent for a potential seller would reflect the next door chicken farm. An appraisal by the County probably won't. Appraisals by "professional" licensed Appraisers, well.....

Big Islander to be.

RE: Property in HPP worth less around chicken farms? - kalakoa - 08-09-2013

Here we go again...

Keeping of livestock is a "permitted agricultural use" and therefore a completely appropriate activity for property which is zoned agricultural, such as in HPP and other "agricultural" subdivisions.

It sounds like the real estate agents are trying really hard to perpetuate the illusion of a "residential neighborhood", and buyers who aren't familiar with typical Hawaii County land-use scenarios are particularly gullible.

I would like to see some slightly stronger real estate disclosure laws related to this situation, as well as "helicopter flight path issues", the frogs, and the "private" roads.

RE: Property in HPP worth less around chicken farms? - Bullwinkle - 08-09-2013

disclaim ag zoning? ..... some of us think its preferable ..... thats why we bought into AG

the bottom feeders expecting residential zone for an AG price need to do their home work

we arent in west Maui out here on the eastside - thats why God made Kona imho

RE: Property in HPP worth less around chicken farms? - HereOnThePrimalEdge - 08-09-2013

They are not so much chicken farms as rooster raising and training facilities. Not everyone wants to wake at the crack of dawn every morning with 100 roosters cock-a-doodle-dooing, or in the middle of the night when one rat scurries among the cages/shelters and sets the whole lot of them to crowing. Since less people are interested in buying a property nearby, the value of those properties is somewhat reduced.

RE: Property in HPP worth less around chicken farms? - EightFingers - 08-09-2013

Yes, I'm well aware of the zoning and its permissions. I'm assuming the zoning is for "legal" activities. <wink wink>

RE: Property in HPP worth less around chicken farms? - rainyjim - 08-09-2013

Is it really considered an agricultural practice to raise roosters for 'cock fights' ?

These birds are shipped off island for purposes other than food consumption.

RE: Property in HPP worth less around chicken farms? - Bullwinkle - 08-09-2013

nope - but believe it or not - i like the roosters my neighbors have out with their flock - and the dozen eggs or so every week, I wanted rural after living and working in resorts .... each his own

fighting / raising fighting roosters an animal cruelty and may be a gambling issue - not a zoning in my opinion.

RE: Property in HPP worth less around chicken farms? - dragon2k - 08-09-2013

I thought that even in AG there was a distance restriction. The coop had to be so kany feet away from the nearest structure. For example 200ft from your neighbors house.

RE: Property in HPP worth less around chicken farms? - ourdoc - 08-09-2013

For years many have been asking the County Council to make a law regarding roosters, that there be allowed no more than one per acre as there is zero legal reasons to have more than one rooster. Its not the chickens that bother people its those damn noisy roosters. There have been laws passed like this all over the country, even in AG areas, but not for the County Council here, it goes against the wishes of some of their cock fighting constituents that belong in prison.