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DUI Checkpoint Blitz - HCPD - Printable Version

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DUI Checkpoint Blitz - HCPD - opihikao - 08-14-2013

FYI: (*Snipped - More at link)


The Hawai`i Police Department has announced it will be ramping up its efforts to snare drunk-driving offenders as part of a national campaign called “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over.”

Starting on Aug. 16 and lasting at least through the beginning of September, HPD officers will be conducting 20-30 sobriety checkpoints island wide.

DO NOT drink and drive, please!!!! Thank you.

RE: DUI Checkpoint Blitz - HCPD - Guest - 08-14-2013

These checkpoints are against the law. They have no right to stop you without suspecting you of a crime. Just more ****ting on the Constitution, one day we will look back and wonder why we let it happen.

RE: DUI Checkpoint Blitz - HCPD - rainyjim - 08-14-2013

Originally posted by The Founding Fathers
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Definitely a violation of the Fourth Ammendment of the Bill of Rights of our Constitution.
Wake up people and protest!

RE: DUI Checkpoint Blitz - HCPD - dragon2k - 08-14-2013

I say the more the merrier. Drink and drive or smoke and drive and you should be caught BEFORE you kill someone.

RE: DUI Checkpoint Blitz - HCPD - PaulW - 08-14-2013

DUI checkpoints are legal in Hawaii.

RE: DUI Checkpoint Blitz - HCPD - Guest - 08-14-2013

We have an English law system and that is not how it works, sorry dragon. There is no precrime like in minority report. If you want the government to protect you from yourself then you might need to move to a country who's laws allow it, maybe north korea. As it is this is entirely against the law and the officers and politicians involved should be persecuted for treason against the Constitution they swore to uphold, the supreme law of our land.

This is a fact, no room for discussion, until our Constitution is amended to do away with the 4th.

RE: DUI Checkpoint Blitz - HCPD - opihikao - 08-14-2013


DUI STATS: 7/1-7/7 (as an example)




[Sad!] Reality check: drunk drivers kill innocent people. With all due respect, fight the policing on another issue. This one saves lives. Check out the stats on this island which include fatalities.


RE: DUI Checkpoint Blitz - HCPD - rainyjim - 08-14-2013

Originally posted by Bill of Rights

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

In this particular issue the 10th amendment strengthens the fourth by forbidding the state government to violate the 4th since the 10th abnegates states from denying the protection outlined in the 4th amendment.

i.e. illegal search and seizure is not legal in hawaii, which is very similar to how the county is not legal and does not follow its own rules regarding development/infrastructure in subdivisions.

RE: DUI Checkpoint Blitz - HCPD - snorkle - 08-14-2013

Driving and licensing are not mandatory. Please excercise your constitutional right to not drive if you don't like DUI checkpoints.

RE: DUI Checkpoint Blitz - HCPD - Guest - 08-14-2013

Texting and driving is far more dangerous then drunk driving yet that is only a $100 ticket. This is an issue of police state and monetary revenue, nothing to do with safety. If you think police checkpoints keep us safe then you probably think the TSA and NSA are keeping us safe also.(they aren't) The way to combat drunk driving is through education and then proper responsibility for a transgression if it happens, why do they always let the drunks back onto the streets after they kill people? Money.