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How much money - Printable Version

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How much money - jrw - 08-14-2013

I was sitting listen to helocopters fly over my house and just wondering how much money medical card user put in the economy ever year. There is over 12000 card holder in Hawaii so figure if they spent $400 on thier card and grow supplies which I think is low number that would nearly be 5 millon dollars. I am sure somebody out there know how much a dollar spent turns over in the economy?


RE: How much money - rainyjim - 08-14-2013

Thats a tough question with probably no one single answer, but to give you an example / comparison: lets take the NPS or the National Park Service

A quote from their website states:
" an agency with more than 22,000 employees, a $3 billion budget, and 401national parks that attract more than 280 million visitors every year who generate $30 billion in economic benefit across the nation."

Using the above numbers the 3 billion spent generates 30 billion in benefits, if we apply that same logic your 5 million becomes 50 million in benefits.

Kinda shaky, lots of variables, and descrepancy in comparison, but thats the best I could come up with...hope it helps.

Source: http://www.nps.gov/aboutus/director.htm

RE: How much money - kalakoa - 08-14-2013

It's not really about "money", at least not in a rational sense.

Dollars spent by blue card holders don't really "count"; the State assumes that these people would spend their money anyway -- and most of them live on Oahu.

Federal interdiction dollars, on the other hand, are "free money" from an outside source that wouldn't otherwise exist in the State economy.

Many people have suggested that the State would get more money by running dispensaries and inviting tourism, but that would require effort on the part of the State, and there would be no helicopter joyrides for law enforcement.

RE: How much money - Bullwinkle - 08-14-2013

Casinos, dispensaries and a decent shuttle to the airport - we can dream right? One thing for sure we aren't in Cancun..........

RE: How much money - Rene - 08-14-2013

What I would like to see is a farm program where farmers can grow marijuana for export to other states that have reasonable marijuana laws. Some estimates I've seen peg california's consumption alone of marijuana in the billions of dollars. The growing of marijuana could dawrf what sugar was in Hawaii in just a few years. Billions of dollars pumped into this tiny economy could be spent on schools, roads, clean water piped to every home, waste water treatment, transportation and the elderly. What caliber of teachers could be had for $100k a year? What if doctors were paid a minimum of $1 million? Everyone would have money to spend, be it on a small scale 1 acre farm in HPP or a 200 acre farm in Kau. It's not just a "pipe dream"(pun intended), it's completely possible. Why send the money to Mexican drug cartels?

RE: How much money - dragon2k - 08-14-2013

Bravo Rene. That's one of the core issues. Why continue to fund Mexican cartels who have taken over most of the state and national parks in California? Legalize it, grow it, tax it.

RE: How much money - Oregon Woodsmoke - 08-14-2013

Originally posted by jrw

.......... There is over 12000 card holder in Hawaii so figure if they spent $400 on thier card and grow supplies which I think is low number that would nearly be 5 millon dollars. I am sure somebody out there know how much a dollar spent turns over in the economy?

First answer the question: how many marijuana card holders are living on welfare, unemployment, disability, receiving food stamps and government paid housing, because they are sitting around stoned instead of holding a job.

After that is answered then it will be easier to figure out how much they are contributing to the economy.

RE: How much money - Wao nahele kane - 08-14-2013

Here again, this takes us back to "off the books" operations. The cartels provide funding for Intelligence related off the books illegal operations. This is what funds things like "Fast and Furious" elements of the Benghazi arms transfer to Libya (400 SAMs and more) and the number of these operations is far greater than 2, try several hundred a year in one form/area or another. Their (US and British intelligence) foreign objectives are insatiable.

What are the chances they would give up a huge chunk of the Cartel income in Marijuana growth and distribution from Mexico to that which is legalized in Hawaii? Try 0 chance and you've got it.

- Armed citizens provide security of a free State.

RE: How much money - Wao nahele kane - 08-14-2013

If your cup of Tea is Christianity you'll appreciate this one. We have created and enabled a Beast of Biblical proportions.

- Armed citizens provide security of a free State.

RE: How much money - rainyjim - 08-14-2013

Ooh, i got another one gor christians, Kane:

“no man might buy or sell save he that has the mark of the beast.”