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Tightening the reins on Punaweb - Printable Version

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Tightening the reins on Punaweb - Rob Tucker - 08-14-2013

Some may like this, some may not.

Punaweb has recently been kind of barraged with proselytizing on a number of subjects and theories and there has been an uncomfortable rash of people just bickering rather mean spiritedly with others.

I intend to rein this in. It is taking up too much of my time. I prefer to do other things than watch people act like ill mannered juveniles and degrade a useful community forum.

So some of you need to think about this and take notice. Your involvement on Punaweb needs to be civil and respectful of other's opinions and the discussions need to be focused, without straining, on Puna and Hawaii topics and issues.

Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator

RE: Tightening the reins on Punaweb - DTisme - 08-14-2013

Thank you, Rob. I had left PW a while back bc of all the bickering, name calling and all-around lack of aloha. Just started rechecking on things in last couple of days and saw the behavior is still here, but maybe by some new faces. Punaweb is wonderful when it's full of respect and aloha. I have learned a lot about the area in the last few years from Punaweb and appreciated the sharing of resources and info. Hopefully your warning will work and people will think twice before saying anything they wouldn't say to their mother, father, daughter, son, crazy uncle, or the guy sitting next to them in the dr's office.

edit: added word "think"

RE: Tightening the reins on Punaweb - dmbwest - 08-14-2013

Thanks Rob ... My .02 already put up on another thread and I am/was pretty much "done with" PW because of a few overposting, trollish, individuals .... Don't need to look far to see who I am talking about. Truly sick of it.

most sincerely,

RE: Tightening the reins on Punaweb - kimo wires - 08-14-2013

Thank You Rob, I too left PW for a while because of some personal attacks from someone whom I won't mention. But I couldn't stay away. This is where we live and I won't give in to trolls or Bullies. We got to love everyone regardless of their disposition.
I say treat people, on line, like you treat people if you were standing belly to belly cause' some day you just might be.

RE: Tightening the reins on Punaweb - 4antares - 08-14-2013

Thank you. There are numerous other, and more appropriate, venues the angry people can use to have tantrums or pontificate. Some of them might even be welcome there.

life is short. enjoy it

RE: Tightening the reins on Punaweb - tada - 08-14-2013

One time I untactfully posted "Where's Rob when you need him" only because I really wanted the answer for the discussion so I apologize if it sounded sarcastic.

Though if the topic of alternative energy comes up and i mention "cold fusion" yeah that's sarcasm.

RE: Tightening the reins on Punaweb - ericlp - 08-14-2013

Dragon (good to know) I've already joined the one man band camp. Tho you can respectfully disagree in a civilized manner.

You still should be able to state your view and leave it at that. After all it is a forum. Would be rather dull if there aren't a few good views to ponder on.

Thanks Rob... You may want to consider passing out some of your duties to others here that seem level headed / minded if you feel it's taking up too much of your time. Just a suggestion. Sometimes things work more smoothly if you have another watching over the forum so you don't have to check in all the time.

RE: Tightening the reins on Punaweb - kalakoa - 08-15-2013

Were it mine, I would create a "Bad Attitude" forum, and implement a "partial ban": people who want to engage in name-calling and such would only be allowed to post in the BA.

It's like television: sometimes it's funny, sometimes you change the channel, sometimes you just have to turn it off.

RE: Tightening the reins on Punaweb - hikatz - 08-15-2013

What is surprising is how many people are still unaware of Punaweb, I give out this website with a caution. It is a great forum on local issues and you can find a lot of help and advice on many different topics, it can get nasty at times and not to take it personally.

It amazes me why people join then want to change Punaweb, IT IS NOT OUR FORUM! If you dislike the restrictions, or want a more open forum then start your own, like other former members have done!

I trust and like Punaweb, which is why this is the only forum I post on.
What I dislike, is the trolling, mean-spirited attacks, and members who thinks it's all a game, so they keep stirring the pot.
Not everyone is that thick-skinned, careless, callous remarks can be devastating and hurtful to all, but especially to new people who join Punaweb looking for answers about this community.

Thank you Rob, for Punaweb, it has proven to be a valuable resource for so many of us!

RE: Tightening the reins on Punaweb - hawaiideborah - 08-15-2013

I love the resources the punaweb community has and shares.
I learned my lesson a couple years ago with some bad old timer punaweb trolls. The button pushing and twisting your intentions/words with their spin is hard not to respond to. However, I have stayed away from feeding the trolls for the last year and it is a much nicer place for me to be.
I rely on punaweb for reviews of new places and contribute when I have something to add to the topic. It makes for a pleasurable experience and I just skip over all the nasty interactions. There is so much good in punaweb.
Thank you Rob.