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Shark Bite Victim - Pohoiki Boat Ramp - Printable Version

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Shark Bite Victim - Pohoiki Boat Ramp - opihikao - 08-18-2013

Heads up! Just heard shark attack in Pohoiki! Apparent bite to thigh area. Choppers headed out to rescue and/or spotting.

Get the hell out of the water!

[:0] Praying for the surfer. No further information yet.


Shark attack at Pohoiki Boat Ramp on the Big Island
Posted: Aug 18, 2013 1:57 PM Updated: Aug 18, 2013 1:58 PM

Hawaii County Civil Defense confirms that there has been a shark attack.

It happened just a short time ago at Pohoiki Boat Ramp.

The condition of the victim is unknown.

We will have more details shortly at Hawaiinewsnow.com.

RE: Shark Bite Victim - Pohoiki Boat Ramp - ericlp - 08-18-2013

Sounds to me like it was just a person swimming around at the boat ramp. Probably not a surfer. But at any rate hope the person pulls through. Probably mistaken identity on the sharks part. I'd still think it would be safe to swim there.

RE: Shark Bite Victim - Pohoiki Boat Ramp - punafish - 08-18-2013

On a similar note, an acquaintance in Kona just informed me that Hapuna Beach has been shut down due to a Tiger Shark spotting. I read somewhere that statistically you are more likely to die from a coconut falling on your head than a shark attack. (That's why I always hear the Jaws soundtrack in my head while mowing my lawn around my coconut trees.) But man, in the past few weeks I've read about several shark attacks in the islands...and yet, never once have I read a story about casualties from coconut attacks.

But seriously, sure hope the victim is okay.

RE: Shark Bite Victim - Pohoiki Boat Ramp - Punawild - 08-18-2013

A witness is saying it was a surfer but either way yikes!

RE: Shark Bite Victim - Pohoiki Boat Ramp - nana valley - 08-18-2013

About the time we are talking about the tiger shark sighted at Hapuna yesterday, now we have one attacking at Pohoiki.
I sure hope the surfer will make a full recovery.

I know this is not a funny matter but punafish....I had to laugh at your remark about mowing the lawn!

He who hoots with owls at night cannot soar with the eagles in the morning.

RE: Shark Bite Victim - Pohoiki Boat Ramp - Guest - 08-18-2013

I don't think that statistic is correct punafish, I have looked into it before and there are no recorded fatalities from coconuts in the US that I could find, plenty from people falling out of the trees, in particular those cleaning them. In the Philippines where people sleep under coconut trees there are recorded fatalities. Supposedly the coconut tree danger rumor was started by a tree cleaning service in Florida.

Hope the surfer is ok, shark attacks are a rare but terrifying occurrence.

RE: Shark Bite Victim - Pohoiki Boat Ramp - ericlp - 08-18-2013

Yes Jaws played a big role in the fear of sharks. While it may be true about coconuts ... I think coconuts killing someone doesn't really make the daily news like a shark would.


RE: Shark Bite Victim - Pohoiki Boat Ramp - LaurelJ - 08-18-2013

Wow, there's been shark trouble in Maui this year also. Must be a bad year. Heads up everyone out there in the water, be alert, be safe!

RE: Shark Bite Victim - Pohoiki Boat Ramp - punafish - 08-18-2013

LOL, glad we cleared that up and thanks for that link ericlp. Be that as it may, it's my impression that most shark attacks don't result in death anyway, as humans apparently don't suit the shark palate.

To LaurelJ's point, media reports leave one with the impression that there's been a spike in shark attacks in Hawaii of late. And the media folks would never sensationalize and mislead us, right? Cough.

RE: Shark Bite Victim - Pohoiki Boat Ramp - Guest - 08-18-2013

They seem to like to perpetrate an increasingly violent and more dangerous world, the statistics show the exact opposite. The real threat is the media/corporate/government complex. These days it seems like people are scared to death, hard to live that way.