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Kindness is Contagious - Printable Version

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Kindness is Contagious - mella l - 08-04-2007

Kindness is Contagious! Please visit this web site and see if you can give a hand to these dedicated folks, striving to make a difference in the retched lives of abandoned and feral animals. It is an east-side groups of hard working volunteers, a group who could use a few more helping hands!


HUI Club, association, society, corporation, company, institution, organization

PONO Goodness, uprightness, morality, moral qualities, correct or proper procedure

HOLOHOLONA Animal, beast, insect


mella l

RE: Kindness is Contagious - John S. Rabi - 08-04-2007

Mella, are they associated with advoCATS? The advoCATS people told me they were planning to open an East Side Chapter.

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RE: Kindness is Contagious - mella l - 08-04-2007

John based on info from over a year ago, Advocats was helping them get organized. Now if it is the same organization with an east side, Hawaiian flare, that I'm not sure about but if you'd like I can ask Kandice or Fran.

mella l