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market meltdown - Printable Version

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market meltdown - tada - 08-06-2007


Others want to make friends- I just want to make money.
James Cramer

RE: market meltdown - Kahunascott - 08-06-2007

It's simply a correction not a melt down.
Today the DJ is up over 281 points.

RE: market meltdown - lotus - 08-06-2007

Wow!! He is as pissed off as we should all be about the economy.

RE: market meltdown - Andrew - 08-06-2007

LOL. That was entertaining. Looked like Cramer was the one having the melt down..


DiveHilo Dive Club Website:

RE: market meltdown - radioguy - 08-06-2007

What wrong with the economy?

RE: market meltdown - Fishboy - 08-06-2007

Jim Cramer is entertaining and I enjoy watching his program when I have the opportunity. He's been lamenting about the fixed-income market for some time, but the overall economy is in good shape. His tirade is only about the banking industry, which is part of the economic foundation, but the rest of the economy is cooking along and I doubt the Fed will lower the prime any time soon.

These huge swings in the market hit me hard, so I'm not immune to the meltdown he's talking about. I'd like nothing more than to see market stability, but that may not be realistic for the near future.

Mahalo nui,

Mahalo nui loa,
Brian and Mary
Lynnwood, WA\Discovery Harbour

RE: market meltdown - tada - 08-06-2007

they was laughing all over that clip on the yahoo stock mb's thru their tears I'd imagine with the volatility and I can't say I'm not immune too. Just a few shows prior Cramer said the situation today was not one tenth as bad as 1990 then after the rally on Monday he could see Warren Buffett stepping in to buy up troubled financial assets. He also said last week if you bought a home with a zero down payment loan in the Inland Empire of California and you couldn't make the payments if you decided to live in the house ignoring the bills until the bank kicked you out that means you passed econ 101 and that kind of "rational economic thinking" could fuel a credit crunch. Nobody seems to think Bernanke going respond by with a rate ease though - not today anyway.

Others want to make friends- I just want to make money.
James Cramer

RE: market meltdown - Brad W - 08-07-2007

Let's put a blood pressure monitor on Jim Cramer. The guy is truly passionate, but, in this case, wrong. The subprime debacle will weigh other financials down a bit, but this is a normal and to be expected correction. A buying opportunity. I'd like to see the Fed get scared into reducing the prime, but that won't happen. What is most interesting is how a stumble in one component (albeit a big one) of the US economy drags down international markets. Particularly when everyone paying attention saw this coming a mile away. Fun to watch and learn.

RE: market meltdown - bystander - 08-07-2007

What scares me is that everyone believes this is just a normal and expected correction including myself. The market always seems to do what people least expect.

Edited by - bystander on 08/07/2007 07:52:47

RE: market meltdown - John S. Rabi - 08-07-2007

What scares me is that everyone believes this is just a normal and expected correction including myself. The market always seems to do what people least expect.

Edited by - bystander on 08/07/2007 07:52:47

How true. Smile I remember when the DOW was at 4,000. Where is it now? 14,000?! I guess people didn't expect that, right?! Well, if they didn't, why did they invest in the market then? The only people losing out are the bystanders.

Typically Tropical Properties
"The Next Level of Service!"

Edited by - John S. Rabi on 08/07/2007 08:38:12

Edited by - John S. Rabi on 08/07/2007 08:46:35