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Speed limits on Hwy 130 - Printable Version

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Speed limits on Hwy 130 - kjlpahoa - 12-23-2013

Last Sunday there was a letter to the editor regarding the lowered speed limits on HWY 130 and how they were set too low for the conditions and how most all traffic exceeds the posted limits. In Tuesdays Commentary section Sen. Ruderman responded with a typical politicians statement.

Setting of the speed limits below what the average driver feels safe driving and the ticketing of the speeders is considered “speeding entrapment” or commonly known as a “speed trap”. What I would like to know is, if anybody has received a speeding ticket in these reduced speed zones for going what they feel is a safe speed or going with the flow of traffic? Please respond since this will be good information to pursue a solution to this problem.

RE: Speed limits on Hwy 130 - dragon2k - 12-23-2013

Its not a highway. Its a glorified country road. Highways do not have driveways, bus stops or businesses directly on them. Until we get the extra lanes and the wider shoulders and the roundabouts and the stoplights, the current speed lmits will do just fine thank you very much.

RE: Speed limits on Hwy 130 - HereOnThePrimalEdge - 12-23-2013

It's hard to argue that the speed limit is too low, with 5 of the top 10 highway crash locations in the state on that stretch of road:


The speed limit was lowered to reduce the accident rate, not give out tickets. I have never received a ticket or even seen anyone pulled over for a ticket on Highway 130 along the top of Paradise Park.

RE: Speed limits on Hwy 130 - snorkle - 12-23-2013

There are construction workers sometimes within a couple of feet of traffic. The speed limit is fine.

After working hours; I've never gotten a ticket going with the "traffic flow", and anyone paying attention should notice the waiting patrol car.

RE: Speed limits on Hwy 130 - Rob Tucker - 12-23-2013

I remember when HDOT widened the shoulders on the highway. I thought they were adding lanes - nope, just shoulders. Took two years.

The current highway work is scheduled to take eight years to completion. Think it will be done one time? On budget? Not in this state.

Hang on to your hats commuters.... HDOT is at work.

The speed limits are fine.

RE: Speed limits on Hwy 130 - macuu222 - 12-23-2013

I'm just glad I'm retired with no need to commute everyday!

RE: Speed limits on Hwy 130 - kalakoa - 12-23-2013

The current highway work is scheduled to take eight years to completion.

Which "the" current highway work? Shoulders? Roundabout? The "4 lanes to Pahoa" project?

Seems to me the shoulder widening should take a year (so will take two), the roundabout should be less than two years (so will take five), and the big 4-lane project will take ten years if and when it ever starts -- supposedly the shoulder project is the "first phase", but given the progress of the Puainako Extension, I don't expect "phase 2" in my lifetime.

RE: Speed limits on Hwy 130 - punafish - 12-23-2013

I don't do the Hilo drive often, but when I do drive through the construction zone, I rarely see any construction workers, and most of the one's I do see are standing around. Guess it's possible that I'm always catching them on break. Wink Anyway, I'm happy to slow down in a construction zone, but it seems meaningless when there are no workers present. That'd be my only gripe. But if that's all I've got to complain about in life, I'm doing pretty good!

RE: Speed limits on Hwy 130 - Royall - 12-23-2013

Yeah, I got one. I was the last car in of about 20 all going with the flow. There was a large space between me and the next car in line and the cop hung a Uturn and nailed me. The fine is posted 250 bucks but the cop said it was moved to 307 bucks!! He wrote me a 150 buck fine. I sent a letter in and they reduced it to $80.00 Still a lot when you're retired. If you speed, just be sure there is someone behind you. No, I don't need the lecture from those of you that obey ALL laws. What the saying? Don't throw stones in a glass house??!!


Hale O Na Mea Pa`ani

RE: Speed limits on Hwy 130 - HereOnThePrimalEdge - 12-23-2013

Royall, I think that old saying goes something like:

Go ahead and throw stones in a glass house. There's 20 others already hurling rocks, and they've busted out all the windows a long time ago anyway. But if a cop drives past, it's guaranteed you'll be the one to get the ticket.