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Sen Ruderman, where is the proof - Printable Version

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Sen Ruderman, where is the proof - Richard Ha - 01-15-2014

Sen Ruderman started a column at The Big Island Weekly. But the scientists are asking; Where is the proof? The Senator needs to hold himself to a higher standard

RE: Sen Ruderman, where is the proof - rainyjim - 01-15-2014

Oh back again?

If you want I have a brand new shiny stick for sale.

It is made of wood.
It is shiny.
You can beat stuff with it.

After you buy it you can keep beating your dead horse. With a shiny new stick.

RE: Sen Ruderman, where is the proof - opihikao - 01-15-2014

There is a basic question that has not been addressed (clearly) to date by Ruderman.

Is there a conflict for Ruderman or not with regard to GMO? The State law is very clear. JMO.

FYI: (*Snipped - More at link)


The paragraph against conflict of interest is provided and knowing Senator Ruderman’s special interests in organic farming and being anti-GMO in his business make what he did a clear conflict of interest.


You must disqualify yourself from taking any official
action directly affecting a business or undertaking in
which you have a substantial financial interest.
HRS §84-14(a)

rainyjim, Mr. Ha needs no stick. His decades of experience in farming, and his vested interest in this community is enough. JMO.

RE: Sen Ruderman, where is the proof - snorkle - 01-15-2014

rainyjim, Mr. Ha needs no stick. His decades of experience in spraying insecticide and fungicide, and his vested interest in profit at the cost of the Aina is enough. JMO

Sorry, I just had to paraphrase.

RE: Sen Ruderman, where is the proof - hikatz - 01-15-2014

rainyjim, It is obvious from your remark, how little you know about Richard Ha and the good he has done for Hawaii and this community. Whether I agree or disagree with his stand on GMO, I have a great deal of respect for him and what he has accomplished. I also trust and buy his products.




RE: Sen Ruderman, where is the proof - Guest - 01-15-2014

I understand getting rid of GMOs like the papaya may affect some jobs, but why, with any sense of reason, would you want to eat or feed your family, poisonous food ?

RE: Sen Ruderman, where is the proof - rainyjim - 01-15-2014

Removed by request.

RE: Sen Ruderman, where is the proof - hikatz - 01-15-2014

Unless you grow your own which many of us are unable to do, I have a choice of what I buy at the store and I trust the local produce grown by reputable farmers. If the produce is so poisonous most of us living here for years, would be dead already.
I would be more concerned about buying contaminated chicken including organic, than produce!


RE: Sen Ruderman, where is the proof - punafish - 01-15-2014

Wow, talk about demonizing. Bummer. I have no dog in this fight, I don't know Richard Ha, don't know Russell (but shop at his store), nor do I know anyone commenting on this thread for that matter. Would love to hear dispassionate debate though, as I've learned so much from both sides of the issue on other threads. But when I hear personal attacks on someone, it makes me question the strength of the attacker's position and character.

I've heard many good things about Richard Ha through mutual acquaintances. I don't agree with him on every issue, but comments of his online that I've read were respectful and thoughtful.

RE: Sen Ruderman, where is the proof - Guest - 01-15-2014

GMO's are not going to kill you like a bullet.

There has been NO, long term scientific testing to prove that they do kill you yet, but rest assured, you are eating poison.

Im not a scientist, but to the best of my knowledge, if you eat food, that is covered in poison, its going to hurt you.