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Veterinarian Question - Printable Version

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Veterinarian Question - idiglava - 02-12-2014

Do you know of any veterinarian around Keaau/Hilo that will write a prescription for purchase on on-line pet pharmacies? My current vet will not write me a prescription for on-line purchase, they will gladly dispense, but it cost me .80 cents more per pill. I wouldn't mind it so much if it was a one time deal but for maintenance, it can get very costly.

RE: Veterinarian Question - Guest - 02-12-2014

That's because the on-line stuff is inferior!

As far as I know - NO Vet Doc will do this here in Hawaii.

RE: Veterinarian Question - Bonnie Lee - 02-12-2014

Try Pet Shed.com

Bonnie Lee

RE: Veterinarian Question - Kelena - 02-12-2014

Dr. Nagakura (Nakagura?) at the Pet Hospital does. Or did. My girl took a certain blood pressure med that was much cheaper at the online pharmacy and for some reason not widely available here. Sure do miss her.