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Terrorist in Pahoa - Printable Version

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Terrorist in Pahoa - Shoresresident - 03-11-2014

It seems as if maybe this is not of importance to anyone here. I am surprised no one wrote about this yet.

RE: Terrorist in Pahoa - HereOnThePrimalEdge - 03-11-2014

From Wikipedia:

San Diego is described as having ties to Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty (SHAC) as a well-known San Francisco Bay Area animal rights activist. SHAC is an international campaign set up to close down Europe’s largest animal testing laboratory, Huntingdon Life Sciences, a company that performs drug and chemical research experiments on animals. Before the related bombings SHAC targeted HLS customer Chiron and its employees with a series of actions, accusing them of being “puppy killers.”

Animal Liberation Brigade
On August 28, 2003, two sophisticated homemade bombs exploded approximately one hour apart, at the Chiron Corporation in Emeryville, California, causing minor property damage but no injuries. The FBI believes the second bomb was timed to target first responders. Another bomb, wrapped with nails to produce shrapnel, exploded on September 26, 2003 at the Shaklee Corporation in Pleasanton, California, again causing damage but no casualties. The bombs used ammonium nitrate explosives and mechanical timers.

RE: Terrorist in Pahoa - noRegretz - 03-11-2014

Hey thanks for that up date so were can we see his pics there only saying a name n thats not gud enuff

RE: Terrorist in Pahoa - dayna - 03-11-2014

Uh, if you click on the link there are photos....



RE: Terrorist in Pahoa - kimo wires - 03-11-2014

So this lolo is considered a domestic terrorist.
Animal rights activist.
Likes to blow up buildings with fertilizer bombs.
Wonder what he thinks about all the neglected chained up dogs in Puna.
Must make him squirm in his shoes.

RE: Terrorist in Pahoa - Rob L - 03-11-2014

You probably have to have a subscription to access this, but the Star Adveriser article has photos: http://www.staradvertiser.com/news/breaking/20140311_FBI_searching_for_accused_bomber_on_Hawaii_island.html?id=249646011

He looks too clean cut for Pahoa. I'd say he was kind of sexy, except for the bomb throwing thing.

Rob L

RE: Terrorist in Pahoa - noRegretz - 03-11-2014

Thanks for the info ya I just seen the foto n yup he does look clean cut I hope they find him soon. Thats kinda scarry tho to no some one dangerous like that is wondering pahoa area not safe around our children near schools.thanks every one that replied

RE: Terrorist in Pahoa - microage97 - 03-12-2014

I am sure he will just blend into all of the other lolos we have here. :-0

RE: Terrorist in Pahoa - dayna - 03-12-2014

If he grows out a beard and grows out his hair a bit he won't look anything like his photos. So I assume that's probably what he's done. I wish they had a photo of him with a beard.



RE: Terrorist in Pahoa - Mtviewdude - 03-12-2014

They have really lowered the bar on what we call "terrorists" lately...