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Hawaii tries to ban eating cats and dogs - Printable Version

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Hawaii tries to ban eating cats and dogs - Andrew - 03-14-2014

NY Post

HONOLULU — Animal lovers in Hawaii packed a legislative hearing room Thursday with poodles and pugs, asking lawmakers to ban the practice of eating cats and dogs in the state.

The House Committee on Agriculture later advanced SB 2026, a bill to ban the practice.

The Humane Society of the United States says dog slaughter for human consumption is happening across Hawaii. The group receives at least two reports a year of dogs or cats being slaughtered for food, but it says it’s hard for law enforcement to catch animal slaughterers.

“When we do get these reports of cases of dog or cat slaughter, unless they’re caught in the act, law enforcement is not able to really prosecute,” said Inga Gibson, Hawaii senior state director for the Humane Society, which pushed for the bill.

Eating meat from cats and dogs is considered acceptable in other countries, including parts of Asia. And while many Americans eat pigs or cows, consuming meat from those animals is vilified elsewhere.

more at link...

RE: Hawaii tries to ban eating cats and dogs - Andrew - 03-14-2014


RE: Hawaii tries to ban eating cats and dogs - PaulW - 03-14-2014

“I love my dog too much and all dogs should be loved, not eaten,”
“Dogs are people too, because they have the ability to experience emotions,”

This is the type of expert testimony we need for good government.

RE: Hawaii tries to ban eating cats and dogs - dayna - 03-14-2014

One problem I have with what the Humane Society said... Is it illegal to eat them? I doubt it. As long as they are humanely euthanized I don't see a law being broken??

I raise, butcher and eat rabbits. Most folks view them as pet animals....



RE: Hawaii tries to ban eating cats and dogs - Lee M-S - 03-14-2014

I thought it was a joke when I first saw a petition to ban eating horse meat in California. Now it's a law. But it's just about people eating horses; it's still OK to make horses into dog food.

Cats and dogs are eaten in lots of cultures, including several that are well represented in Hawaii. Even in my Italian family, there's a story about eating a cat. They more often ate rabbits, guinea pigs, squid and other peasant food.

As long as you own the animal and kill it humanely, I don't have a problem with eating whatever you like. Well, I'd probably draw the line at humans...and whales, dolphins, apes...that's a pretty wide line. If I keep thinking about this, I'll have to turn vegetarian, so I'll quit while I'm ahead.

><(((*> ~~~~ ><(("> ~~~~ ><'> ~~~~ >(>

RE: Hawaii tries to ban eating cats and dogs - Steve W - 03-16-2014

Why do people eat animals anyway? If you have the mind to kill and eat it I have no problem with it but when you buy it in the store and think nothing of the animal itself and the chemicals they use to make it pink and the hormones to make maximum profit what are we talking about?, are you ignorant or just self serving? Think about it?

RE: Hawaii tries to ban eating cats and dogs - PaulW - 03-16-2014

They taste so good.

RE: Hawaii tries to ban eating cats and dogs - Lee M-S - 03-16-2014

I'm self serving. And I eat animals because they taste good, and provide high-quality protein which my body evolved to need. And if I raised the critters myself, I could never slaughter them. Just ask my tank full of tilapia.

><(((*> ~~~~ ><(("> ~~~~ ><'> ~~~~ >(>

RE: Hawaii tries to ban eating cats and dogs - Delta9r - 03-17-2014

More crap from the hypocrisy brigade.

I remember years ago, in Kona, seeing a slaughterhouse tagged in red spray paint, "Meat is murder!"

What these people fail to realize is that nearly all life feeds upon death.

Those tofu burgers? Soybeans are BABIES!
Plants have feelings!

That said, dog is sort of like goat, and the brains are ono!

(Disclaimer: I have raised dogs since I was a kid and I could never butcher my own dog.)

"Life is labor, and all that is good in life comes from that labor..."

RE: Hawaii tries to ban eating cats and dogs - oink - 03-17-2014

That said, dog is sort of like goat, and the brains are ono!
Really? I thought dog was more like pork.

Big Islander to be.