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New areas/off the beaten path you discovered - Printable Version

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New areas/off the beaten path you discovered - emorata - 09-14-2007

Hello punawebbers....

Someone recently posted on a trail called the old puna trail and i realized that there are alot of areas i haven't been too and places others have seen really off the beaten path.

What have you visited or discovered recently that you've seen recently worth mentioning to fellow punatics to also see.

thanks in advance.


RE: New areas/off the beaten path you discovered - Jeffhale - 09-14-2007

We made a interesting discovery on old beach road, or Red road going north from Hawaiian beaches subdivision.. You can drive quite a ways down the road, passing old junk, stripped cars, refrigerators, a dead pig, (stinking) and a new fence being installed bounding the road side.. We made the drive in our two wheel drive truck which was raised about like a 4WD and thought, although many areas were a little tight we could make it all the way to HPP.. However, NOPE! ha, ha. There's a spot , a little hump which goes up about 15-20 feet, which is impassible via two wheel drive truck or car. Unless... You got lots of guts and want to make a run for it as fast as the terrain will allow yaw.. With no place to turn around at this spot, it' is a hairy back-up about 1/4 mile.. A interesting drive non the less. Next time 4WD. Looked like plenty of places to find ‘un-fished’ fishing spots. Not to leave out, yaw get a scary feeling up that road with nobody around, especially with stinking pig, ha.

RE: New areas/off the beaten path you discovered - Carey - 09-14-2007

Some other favorites: Pu'u Wa'awa'a Ranch & the wildlife sanctuary, Kiholo Bay, the cloud forest over Waipio Valley, the remnant Hawaiian Dry forest above Kukio Bay, Pu'u La'au trail, Polou Valley

RE: New areas/off the beaten path you discovered - JerryCarr - 09-14-2007

Jeff, the Bear and I made that drive from the HPP side not too long ago, and that tough spot you mentioned is formidable, but passable from HPP direction in our Mazda 2WD pickup. The area near HPP is off-grid, but inhabited, thus far less prone to dumping.

Bear and I also like to hike the old railroad bed between HPP and Hawaiian Beaches, et al. There are some nice views of the rift ridge and a lovely valley with savannah lands that look like parts of Africa.


Edited by - JerryCarr on 09/14/2007 12:34:31

RE: New areas/off the beaten path you discovered - aline - 09-14-2007

I really enjoyed Mana Road out of Waimea. Just be sure to close the cattle gates behind you. Also like the hike to Shipman Beach from HPP

RE: New areas/off the beaten path you discovered - JonP - 09-14-2007

We did the drive from Hawaiian Beaches to the lighthouse road this past June for the first time. There are some breathtakingly beautiful spots in there! We got out and walked a hundred yards or so to the cinder cones not far from HB; wonderful views up and down the coast.

RE: New areas/off the beaten path you discovered - maud gonne - 09-14-2007

We attempted to walk the trail from HPP to Shipman Beach. Saw lots of ancient ruins, wild (abandoned?) dogs, campers and fishermen, and had lots of adventures. BUT we got completely lost and 6 hours later, without getting very near Shipman, we turned around (that's when we got lost) and followed the ocean back to HPP. Is there really a "trail"? I'd love to make it all the way to Shipman but need some guidance. (We even had a crude map that marked various sites along the way. Still got hopelessly lost.)And if we get to Shipman Beach, is it really white sand and good swimming? That's what I yearn for.

RE: New areas/off the beaten path you discovered - Carey - 09-14-2007

There is a trail to Shipman Beach. (taking the left fork is the most important direction. It does get muddly 3/4 of the way in (after the yellow post....) it is also mosquitoey, so best on a breezy day...
The sand is salt & peppery, not white.
The bay is very cool with a good amount of fresh water. The estate is at the beach, and they really do not want people going onto the property...that said, some people do, and some have done damage, so they are less than gracious to 'visitors' onto the estate property. (BTW the trail is mostly on Shipman property, and for liability reasons, you are trespassing when you hike the trail, & do it at your own risk)
It is a nice hike & the Park Dist. Programs usually offer a guided hike (the last was in August. It is best to hike it in cooler weather, so check back at:

RE: New areas/off the beaten path you discovered - JerryCarr - 09-14-2007

Despite the Shipman's wishes to the contrary, the hike to Haena is legal. The trail has historic precedence for access, and the ruins along the way are of considerable historic importance. We do it several times a year. In addition to being rather cool, the water is shallow in most of the cove, and there isn't much in the way of fish or coral to see.


Edited by - JerryCarr on 09/14/2007 17:48:01

RE: New areas/off the beaten path you discovered - Carey - 09-14-2007

The Shipman beach does have some fish out by the lava rock break, and there are often green sea turtles basking.... Sometimes seamily too high out of the water (but they slip back in). Please respect these turtles, as the Shipmans do watch their visitors. Green sea turtles are protected species.
The Shipmans do not prevent people from the trail, what I was stating is that for LIABILITY reasons, ie, if you get injured, you are trespassing & they have not allowed you on their land.... The estate land is not part of the traditional property, and they do let you know that they do not want people on that land (mainly due to damage that some have done to the structures.... and it is their home...)