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your take on the Christopher Deedy case? - Printable Version

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your take on the Christopher Deedy case? - WillyHunglo - 07-23-2014

Hmm this one may stir up some emotions but I was wondering what other people thought of this issue. First I'll share my sentiments; Growing up here on the big island, I've seen my share of racism just as anyone anywhere else no doubt has too. Growing up here, I had friends of varying race and color. However one term seemed to stand out as I've seen time and time again. F-ing haole! That is the most common racial cut-down without a doubt here in Hawaii. Yes I do believe the Hawaiian kingdom was stolen by the government that runs this land today. Yes I do believe there is resentment that passes down from generation to generation but then there are those that use that hate as an excuse to pick trouble and generate chaos. From what I've read that term, F-ing Haole, was being uttered by the victim, Elderts, and his group of friends, just prior to the deadly shooting. Again growing up here I've seen it all the time. Going out with a group of friends at night and countless times the (haole) friends in my group, getting picked on and singled out by local males. Let me repeat, I have local friends and in no way do I generalize and think all people share this hateful energy. So here is my take on this whole thing: Yet again the local boys decide: lets have some fun late at night while we are drunk and pick on this haole boy at Mcdonalds and maybe even beat him up. Surprise, surprise you picked on the wrong person this time. Witnesses say that Elderts was on top of Deedy at the time of the shooting. Fair and just self defense cowboy style. Maybe this time the trouble makers will think twice about picking on somebody they deem as an easy target. Maybe this will raise some awareness that hate mongering and racism never pays off. Doubtful though as those types usually lack the mental capacity to think with any logic or reason.

RE: your take on the Christopher Deedy case? - snorkle - 07-23-2014

Drunk local meets drunk Haole. Drunk Haole has a gun.

RE: your take on the Christopher Deedy case? - kimo wires - 07-23-2014

Deedy acted unprofessionally. You don't poke a Hornet nest. And deadly force was unnecessary. Alcohol impairs judgement and a Federal Agent should know better. Should of Duked it out. Aren't Feds trained in Hand to Hand Combat? They should be versed in Regional etiquette too when they are dispatched. No matter how crude.

RE: your take on the Christopher Deedy case? - lavalava - 07-23-2014

Don't start trouble. You never know where it might lead you.

RE: your take on the Christopher Deedy case? - WillyHunglo - 07-23-2014

So KimoWires, let me understand this. The group of drunk, trouble making local boys are the proverbial hornets nest? And, the also drunk, Deedy shouldn't have provoked them? Ah yes he should have been the good little haole-boy all meek and docile and kept his head down and not made any eye contact right? He should ignore the berating comments thrown his way and not stand up for his dignity. I'm sure Deedy didn't go out that night thinking, "I'm gonna shoot me some local boys". On the contrary I have heard many a case of the local boys going out specifically looking for a fight. Furthermore you think he should have layed his fire-arm down and duked it out with them? The headline would have been different. Instead of man shot in scuffle it would have been; Off Duty Agent beat up by a group of men. You see, not everyone enjoys fighting and the gun is there to prevent the fist fight. Whether that be by intimidation or direct use. I believe he gave them a warning too, saying, "feel like getting shot tonight?" It's a case of the racist blah-las running into wrong type of haole-boy target. I sure hope he doesn't serve any time for this incident.

RE: your take on the Christopher Deedy case? - HereOnThePrimalEdge - 07-23-2014

Stupidity... available in all sizes and colors.

RE: your take on the Christopher Deedy case? - geochem - 07-23-2014

Simple question answers your question:
Would there have been even the thought of a trial if the headline had read: "Drunk Caucasian male attacks HPD officer in McDonalds and is shot to death".

Deedy was stupid and should lose his job for carrying a firearm in public while inebriated. But Elderts was attacking a Federal agent, and was forewarned that he was attacking a Federal agent, when he was shot.

RE: your take on the Christopher Deedy case? - Radiopeg - 07-23-2014

Geochem, I wasn't going to wade into this, but your statement seems so reasonable. I have to support the idea of two wrong behaviors. No winners. Everyone loses.

Peace and long life

RE: your take on the Christopher Deedy case? - missydog1 - 07-23-2014

I haven't followed this at every step, but I have a question. I thought I read that Deedy had been told by someone to expect to encounter heckling or harassment in certain areas, and he went anyway? But I could have that wrong.

It does seem like both did wrong. Whatever the ugly issues at play, the idea of a federal officer carrying a weapon in public while intoxicated does not sit well. I personally think he should have kept sober, as visiting security, and he should have left the premises when trouble began. He was not here to make a stand against haole bashing. He was on an assignment.

Not defending group bullying at all, but his superior training and position in life to me carries some responsibility to avoid situations like this.

RE: your take on the Christopher Deedy case? - eigoya - 07-23-2014

Carrying a gun while drinking is legal? Or only for federales? While the victim may have been provocative, he was not the "professional" nor the one who walked away. Is that justice?