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Alaska Humpback Delisting??? - Printable Version

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Alaska Humpback Delisting??? - Pilgrim - 07-25-2014

Just came across this today. Alarming trend to try and delist our still vulnerable species!

It seems the State of Alaska believes that here are enough whales already. A Hawaii fishing group apparently petitioned the same way.

Public comment closes in just 3 days, July 28th.

-"To ensure this status review is comprehensive, the agency is soliciting scientific and commercial information regarding this species through a 30-day public comment period. The deadline to comment is July 28, 2014. Please submit comments identified by FDMS Docket Number NOAA-NMFS-2014-0051, by any of the following methods:

Electronic Submission: Submit via the Federal e-Rulemaking Portal at www.regulations.gov
Mail: Address written comments to:
Jon Kurland, Assistant Regional Administrator for Protected Resources
NMFS Alaska Region
Attn: Ellen Sebastian
P.O. Box 21668
Juneau, AK 99802-1668

Copies of the petition and the 90-day finding are available online at the NOAA Fisheries Alaska Region's humpback whale website."

RE: Alaska Humpback Delisting??? - PaulW - 07-26-2014

Their conservation status is "Least Concern".
Why do you think they're vulnerable?

RE: Alaska Humpback Delisting??? - terracore - 07-26-2014

As I understand it, as long as its listed under the ESA, there are potential criminal penalties for any death, even if accidental, therefore NOAA has to conduct a criminal investigation every time a carcass is found. De-listing it would remove them from that burden, and so long as the hunting moratorium continues, the population will continue to slowly increase even with the occasional cruise ship "accident".