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Punaweb gets roasted - Printable Version

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Punaweb gets roasted - TomK - 07-25-2014

I'm sure many here will be interested in this video of Tiff (I use that name advisedly as only her friends call her that). The fun starts at 25.00 minutes.


How funny!


RE: Punaweb gets roasted - TomK - 07-25-2014

BTW just to give a little more context:


From Tiff:

"FYI, I don't follow PUNAWEB, I only visit here when someone brings a topic to my attention."

Seems lots of people are bringing Punaweb posts to her attention.

Edited because it's been a long week and my typing skills are degrading rapidly...

RE: Punaweb gets roasted - Obie - 07-26-2014

Sounds like all 6 or 7 people there found it amusing.

RE: Punaweb gets roasted - Guest - 07-26-2014

Part I has been taken off of youtube. In part I Tiffany roasts all the other candidates but not herself with the help of some so-called comedian. So I guess that is what a hick from Wyoming thinks a roast is. A roast is an event in which one particular guest is joked about and made fun of by his or her peers, usually in front of an audience. A "guest" that means they have to be there. Her friends are suppose to be roasting her not the other candidates and participants from the punaweb. This is just one more example of the type of behavior that this woman is capable of. Part I would have given her away totally. I have contacted the videographer, Kerri Marks, who is a candidate for County Council District II. I am asking Kerri to re-post it on youtube especially the first 10 minutes and everyone will get the idea of why it was pulled.

RE: Punaweb gets roasted - oink - 07-26-2014

OMG! I couldn't watch but a very few minutes of that. Unbelievably childish and petty. I guess I shouldn't have expected any better. I'm thinking the best bet in that race is Daniel Paleka.

I felt honored to get mention.

Although I realize many on this forum will agree with the sentiment of "Tiff" and her supporters, I did think it was interesting that she and her supports thought the idea of any of those present at the "roast" (Hawaiians?) would think the idea of being Christian laughable.

Big Islander to be.

RE: Punaweb gets roasted - leilanidude - 07-26-2014


Above is a link showing pics of the event. Scroll down to see how many people were there - maybe 20 at best?

Oink - I agree with you on the laughing at Christians thing. Something is wrong with her.

I got mentioned twice !

I had mentioned what she said in the candidate video when she said she shows aloha for the land by practicing hula and fire dances. I still laugh at that one.

She says this at about 30min 25 sec.

RE: Punaweb gets roasted - missydog1 - 07-26-2014

Are you packing to leave the island yet, leilanidude?

Link to the place on the video where the E-Trash is Roasted:

She says something about earlier E-trash and "Mean Tweet" readings, must be on part one.

Question, when she roasted the E-trash, would that be called Incineration or Recycling?

I've never seen the movie Mean Girls, but I have a sudden urge to watch it and learn about the Queen Bee syndrome.


RE: Punaweb gets roasted - csgray - 07-26-2014

The ironic thing is, the best possible answer to accusations of being thin skinned would have been to have a Roast in the traditional sense, where the host is the one being roasted to their face, and participates in laughing at him or herself, the only people who are the butt of the joke are volunteers. the white House correspondents dinner is one of the best Roasts every year. Putting on that kind of roast would have shown that Tiffany could handle criticism, laugh at herself, and wasn't thin skinned, all at the same time.

Using the idea of a "Roast" to trash political opponents and others who were not volunteers to be roasted is just mean spirited. I wonder how the audience felt about it when they walked away at the end of the evening. I know I wouldn't be comfortable in that situation, but my tolerance of trashing people who aren't there to defend themselves is pretty low.


RE: Punaweb gets roasted - missydog1 - 07-26-2014

Great point, Carol. I was really surprised to hear it wasn't a traditional roast, which would indeed have shown she can take it. I did watch all of it, and it's not that there wasn't also roasting of the guest of honor thrown in here and there. Maybe there was more of that in Part 1.

But a Roast format is not supposed to include any satire against other people, only the person who agreed to the Roast. I saw a Charlie Sheen roast on cable once, which as you might imagine was absolutely brutal on Charlie because he has provided so much life material. He took it with aplomb, as they say.

Part 2 also satirizes Puna drivers, etc.. I guess that is an easy target, but it's still not a Roast format.

Damon Tucker's blog poll lists Paleka as frontrunner with TEH second. Frannie Pueo is not looking strong at all in that poll. It might be time for people to rally behind Paleka.

RE: Punaweb gets roasted - leilanidude - 07-26-2014

I've never seen the movie Mean Girls, but I have a sudden urge to watch it and learn about the Queen Bee syndrome.

KathyH - That is an amazing description.