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A Day in Hawai'i - Printable Version

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A Day in Hawai'i - opihikao - 07-30-2014

There are times when we must do what we have to do, and today was one of those. School begins on Monday (for most), and preparation for keiki and mo'opuna are foremost for some of us.

We go to get school supplies, groceries, and "a snack" for grandson and his three (3) friends. For the love of God, these kids don't even have shoes that fit, never mind their supplies for school!! OMG. Mom (and Dad, if they have one) is working, they've been at our house for days, with nothing.

We are in line at the Godforsaken Walmart after Target (yes, both!!! OMG!) getting four (4) kids their school supplies and some bloody shoes that fit! At least they helped me carry the dog food, and all of the groceries to feed their teenager faces! Good Lord!

There are two soldiers in front of us in line, in uniform. They are buying food supplies (and some man stuff like Axe something, etc.) and talking to the boys as we all wait patiently. One has been to Iraq twice, one has been to Afghanistan three times, and now trains soldiers. The kids eyes are like saucers; almost "star struck".

The soldiers offer to pay for some of the kids stuff (BLESS THEM!) and Tutu already gave the cashier a credit card to pay for their cart and ours. My mo'opuna (et al. lol...) were loading all the stuff in and out at the soldiers directives. [Smile] My eggs were not crushed, nor was the bread flat this time.

As I read here what was missed over the course of the day, all I can share is life is short, valuable, and precious. May we all share in the knowledge of what true "aloha" is. Otherwise, the word means nothing.

We came home, and called my Mom. We wanted to make sure she got her pikake lei for her lunch affair, and thanked her for her wisdom, and for being one of the few kupuna left on this earth (at 83).

Precious moments should not be lost while bitching and bickering in this short time we have together. May we find tolerance for each other, as life could be so much worse. (Excuse the pontification, e kala mai)

I leave you with this, and please all, have a good evening. Take care of each other, please. Roll with it...



ETA: Typo. Oh, and I bet you thought it was a Hawaiian song, huh? [Big Grin]

RE: A Day in Hawai'i - lavalava - 07-30-2014

Mahalo Opihikao for yet another touching and uplifting post. Best of luck to yours and everyones keiki in the coming school year.

RE: A Day in Hawai'i - dmbwest - 07-30-2014

I hear ya Opihikao, mahalo

I hope those guys friends beside me tomorrow.

Another heart touching one for love of all keiki, yours or not ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7RHFJ2fL2Pk


Support them and give them your time ... This is the best 'present' they will ever receive.

RE: A Day in Hawai'i - protoss - 07-30-2014

that was beautiful

'Your whole idea about yourself is borrowed-- borrowed from those who have no idea of who they are themselves.'