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People of Leilani ordered tested ? - PGV - Printable Version

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People of Leilani ordered tested ? - PGV - Opihikaobob - 08-14-2014

The mayor and civil defense has ordered special tests at the emergency room for anyone who felt effects from the uncontrolled gas release during the storm from the geothermal plant. Only after pressure from Puna Pono Alliance and especially Bob Petricci.

After finding that major symptoms were felt by more than a handful of people. We now have 3 confirmed passed/blacked out through the storm after trying to evacuate from the gas during a hurricane.

No one wants to believe that a company/government would put people in harms way. Maybe it's time to look at some ugly facts. — with guests Megan Kea Spark and Robert Petricci.

Mike Hale health effects Iselle geothermal incident

added for humor as we need a little
Cheese - we need a little levity here , this whole Hurricane , PGV, AND VOTING to boot, is all too much - maybe a laugh here for some pet owners and others

RE: People of Leilani ordered tested ? - PGV - Guest - 08-14-2014

Concerning testimony from Mr Hale in the video. He lives on the same street Hookapu in Leilani as my wife's father, who also experienced bad health issues at the same time. He was hospitalized for a week due to the symptoms caused from the blow out at PGV. One of my boys also felt sick symptoms after he was outside awhile during the storm.

This certainly is serious and is affecting many physically, emotionally, and mentally that its time for some EPA action at the very least?. Does geothermals storm readiness plan really have a controlled release of these poisons or chemicals over neighborhoods during the storm?. Seemed like Helco or geothermal cut the power themselves at 3:50 p.m the day of the storm Iselle?. There was an explosion and then a runway sounding engine for a few hours that night cause we saw and heard it. Yet we could get no news due to the power already being Shutoff. Anyway just concerned and worried for many living around this geothermal plant and needed to vent before the steam gets any hotter?.

RE: People of Leilani ordered tested ? - PGV - DoryGray - 08-14-2014

Whaaat? The story changes again.

"The night of Tropical Storm Iselle, Puna Geothermal Venture’s 38-megawatt power generating station on Hawaii Island was shutdown as designed. There was no “uncontrolled release” or “spill” at the facility contrary to some initial reports by commentators."


RE: People of Leilani ordered tested ? - PGV - pahoated - 08-14-2014

PGV had to respond to a false rumor of an uncontrolled gas release. They were in preparation for the storm when both their mains were short circuited by falling albizia trees. This shuts off the steam to the turbines and back to the reinjection pipe. There is a slight release of steam with this process.

This wasn't the only rumor that had to have an official response. The police had to confirm that there wasn't any location giving out free generators. That was apparently made up yesterday. From the day before, somebody was going around saying that FEMA was at the community centers and was handing out food checks for their lost food. Some people around here are pure evil.

"We come in peace!" - First thing said by missionaries and extraterrestrials

RE: People of Leilani ordered tested ? - PGV - bananahead - 08-14-2014

always though that the PGV had to release the pressure when the grid goes down... thats what happened right??
thats controlled IMO, not uncontrolled

AND you do know that the same Mike and Megan you note are the same 2 that were in that National Geographic Cinderland spoof Ark pseudoPunatic thang...


Mike and Megan are good actors, and still dating... Jezus didnt break them up lol, that was 'reality TVed' into the show

just saying... 'actors'

save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha

RE: People of Leilani ordered tested ? - PGV - lavalava - 08-14-2014

Gypsy... I live much closer to PGV than you and there was no effect from the storm. What little H2S had to be released due to Hell Co and their failure to maintain their grid was swept up in the wind. I didn't even get a whiff of rotten eggs.

RE: People of Leilani ordered tested ? - PGV - bluesboy - 08-14-2014

Would it be correct to say that, at the time of the blowout, the winds were coming from a consistent direction, and the effects would be most strongly felt by those that were directly downwind of those winds?

RE: People of Leilani ordered tested ? - PGV - lavalava - 08-14-2014

Negative. The winds were swirling in all in directions. There was no significant release of H2S. This is what always happens when the power goes out. Much more annoying was the hours of loud, high pitched whistling that I heard tonight...

RE: People of Leilani ordered tested ? - PGV - Big_Island - 08-15-2014

Thursday night at 9pm there was no less than 8 Fire trucks and 3 ambances all at the gate to PGV... Guess the scanner reporting the situation also mistaken! Smile

RE: People of Leilani ordered tested ? - PGV - TWK - 08-15-2014

lavalava you sure seem to be pro PGV at any cost.How invested are you? Its helcos fault ...It didn't happen? Ad Nauseum

excuse spelling particularly on latin words