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Power's on in Nanawale - Printable Version

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Power's on in Nanawale - maud gonne - 08-21-2014

Power's on in Nanawale, technically Nanawale Ranch Lots. Helco came to the property to check on it, and also a representative called us. Good customer service.

RE: Power's on in Nanawale - Lee M-S - 08-21-2014

congratulations! welcome back to civilization. sort of.

><(((*> ~~~~ ><(("> ~~~~ ><'> ~~~~ >(>

RE: Power's on in Nanawale - shave_ice - 08-21-2014

YES!!!!!!!!!!!! My power is on in Nanawale!!! I came home from work and the lights were on! Great ending to a crappy day!

RE: Power's on in Nanawale - birdmove - 08-21-2014

Fantastic! So, it took two weeks. Good job, Helco. I know there are more to go too. What a huge undertaking.

Jon in Keaau/HPP

RE: Power's on in Nanawale - ElysianWort - 08-23-2014

My friend there said he did the electric dance. Wonder if there are still more people without power anywhere?

RE: Power's on in Nanawale - leilanidude - 08-24-2014

There are still small pockets of individuals without power. Crews were out in Nanawale and Leilani on Saturday, working on homes that had more difficult issues, especially if large trees were still over the line from pole to house.

RE: Power's on in Nanawale - tada - 08-24-2014

Yes! I always say electricity is the necesity of life next to the air we breathe!

RE: Power's on in Nanawale - lavalava - 08-24-2014


Everyone SHOULD be back on per Hell Co...

RE: Power's on in Nanawale - leilanidude - 08-24-2014

Excerpt from the press release for those with slow internet:

HILO, Aug. 23, 2014 (10:30 a.m.) – Today, Hawaii Electric Light expects to complete power restoration to all remaining customers impacted by Tropical Storm Iselle, with the exception of those who must repair damage to their property before service can safely be restored. Crews will be inspecting and making minor repairs throughout various subdivisions today.