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Mayor Declares State of Emergency - Printable Version

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Mayor Declares State of Emergency - opihikao - 09-04-2014


BREAKING: Hawaii Island Mayor Billy Kenoi has declared a state of emergency for the County of Hawaii as a result of the lava flow heading toward lower Puna, which could potentially reach the Kaohe Homesteads subdivision within a week.

Details: http://bit.ly/1rOVIfD
PHOTOS: http://bit.ly/1tpE7cz

RE: Mayor Declares State of Emergency - kalakoa - 09-04-2014

Kenoi could solve the problem by simply appointing Pele to CD4 and CD5.

RE: Mayor Declares State of Emergency - pahoated - 09-04-2014

Good to see Uncle Billy take the initiative, it was about time. Now the county needs to make some kind of provisions if the community wants to help move things. That might be tangled. Also, they are now quietly warning that the only access road may be cut within the next few days.

"We come in peace!" - First thing said by missionaries and extraterrestrials

RE: Mayor Declares State of Emergency - Picturepager - 09-04-2014

Thank you for the update. May there be no loss of life, and minimal loss of property.

RE: Mayor Declares State of Emergency - Opihikaobob - 09-04-2014


I guess the mayor wanted to let people know - even though were were already under an SOI :ie, the hurricane & now the Lava!
State of Emergency exists on the Hawaii Island, Effective 6:00 AM Thursday, 08/07/2014 and continuing thereon for 60 days or until further act.

so AT the 1 month mark (4 Thursdays ago) We get another confirmation about an existing SOI - does that add 30 days to an existing original 60 day SOI

RE: Mayor Declares State of Emergency - SBH - 09-04-2014

His actual declaration is here:


RE: Mayor Declares State of Emergency - Wao nahele kane - 09-04-2014

I can see the smoke and steam of the flow from all the way down here in waa waa... erie looking.

RE: Mayor Declares State of Emergency - Kapohocat - 09-04-2014

Lava flow made yahoo news.... must be a slow news day for the Kardashians.


RE: Mayor Declares State of Emergency - punalvr - 09-04-2014

So, if they are saying that Government Beach Road, and Waawaa is a potential exit route, does it mean that they are expecting the lava flow south of what is called four corners in Puna, by Kapoho?


RE: Mayor Declares State of Emergency - leilaniguy - 09-04-2014

Wa'a Wa'a is the common name used for the road heading Northward of the intersection of four corners at Kapoho. (Part of Government Beach Road.)